Best Ways to Freeze bananas

Freeze bananas

Freeze the bananas in slices

If you’re looking forward to using these frozen banana slices in your smoothie the next morning, or for making ice cream, make sure that you keep the slices small.

Here’s how to go about it:

· Peel the bananas and slice them to the preferred size

· Place these slices on a plate and put them in the freezer for about 2 hours

· Put the frozen banana slices into a resealable bag, and don’t forget to put a date on it.

You’re set, keep using these slices as and when you want for your smoothies or ice creams. 

Freeze the bananas in slices

Written by Bruce Stone
12 months ago

Freeze them unpeeled

Are you reading this on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Then you might prefer to freeze the banana whole without peeling or slicing it. Just put the whole banana in the freezer and it’s done. When you want to start your baking session, defrost them on the table for about an hour. 

Freeze them unpeeled

Written by William Knox
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Freeze Bananas?

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