Topics with Recent Answers

image for topic 'Save money'
Best Ways to

Save money

Last answer by Carrie Collier 1 hour ago:
Once you have an idea of what you are spending per month, you can start organizing your expenses into a workable ...
Once you have an idea of what you are spending per month, you can start organizing ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Put a baby to sleep'
Best Ways to

Put a baby to sleep

Last answer by Clarence Black 4 hours ago:
Putting your babies to sleep can be a challenge, especially during your bedtime. Their little bodies are filled ...
Putting your babies to sleep can be a challenge, especially during your bedtime. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Photograph food'
Best Ways to

Photograph food

Last answer by Adrian Walters 6 hours ago:
Food comes in so many wonderful colors, but sometimes the camera does not capture them quite the way they wanted. ...
Food comes in so many wonderful colors, but sometimes the camera does not capture ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Work from home'
Best Ways to

Work from home

Last answer by Ulysses Schneider 9 hours ago:
When working from home, you might require a faster and reliable internet connection. If you have a slow internet ...
When working from home, you might require a faster and reliable internet connection. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Propose during covid'
Best Ways to

Propose during covid

Last answer by Alexis Dorsey 11 hours ago:
If you like to play instruments, propose with a song. Write a song for her that shows how much you love her. A ...
If you like to play instruments, propose with a song. Write a song for her that shows ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Advocate'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Jacqueline Martin 14 hours ago:
Communication is crucial for effective advocacy and it might take many forms such as messages, emails, phone calls, ...
Communication is crucial for effective advocacy and it might take many forms such ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Resell clothes'
Best Ways to

Resell clothes

Last answer by Irma Holland 16 hours ago:
Plato’s is one of the best shops to resell children’s and young adult’s clothes and accessories. If you have kids ...
Plato’s is one of the best shops to resell children’s and young adult’s clothes and ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Boost immune system'
Best Ways to

Boost immune system

Last answer by Leonardo Richards 19 hours ago:
To boost the immune system and avoid getting sick, give your body a variety of fluids to keep it hydrated. Our ...
To boost the immune system and avoid getting sick, give your body a variety of fluids ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Declutter'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Julie Walsh 21 hours ago:
No matter how much you push yourself to donate stuff, there will be things that you don’t want to use or give away. ...
No matter how much you push yourself to donate stuff, there will be things that you ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Part curly hair'
Best Ways to

Part curly hair

Last answer by Joe Barber 24 hours ago:
An uneven center part is great for adding more volume and lift to your roots. But if you have naturally voluminous ...
An uneven center part is great for adding more volume and lift to your roots. But ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Name a business'
Best Ways to

Name a business

Last answer by Estella Barrett 1 day ago:
Avoid difficult and long names that are hard to remember, no matter how much you love it. Pick a name that leaves ...
Avoid difficult and long names that are hard to remember, no matter how much you ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Dump your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Dump your boyfriend

Last answer by Gwendolyn Walter 1 day ago:
There are always secrets and misunderstandings when relationships end. If you have good intentions for your boyfriend, ...
There are always secrets and misunderstandings when relationships end. If you have ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Soften toenails'
Best Ways to

Soften toenails

Last answer by Eugene Powell 1 day ago:
When you use a nail clipper, it cuts the toenail but leaves sharp and jagged edges. File your nails after clipping ...
When you use a nail clipper, it cuts the toenail but leaves sharp and jagged edges. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Spice up a marriage'
Best Ways to

Spice up a marriage

Last answer by Edgar Hicks 1 day ago:
Revisit your relationship roots by spending some time each week sharing your favorite memories. It never hurts ...
Revisit your relationship roots by spending some time each week sharing your favorite ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Burn fat'
Best Ways to

Burn fat

Last answer by Benny West 2 days ago:
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system and have many mental and ...
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system ...
Answers: 12
image for topic 'Budget personal finances'
Best Ways to

Budget personal finances

Last answer by Chris Dunn 2 days ago:
The 50-30-20 rules are the best rule that allows you to divide your income for necessities, savings, and happy ...
The 50-30-20 rules are the best rule that allows you to divide your income for necessities ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Splatter acrylic paint'
Best Ways to

Splatter acrylic paint

Last answer by Laurel Wade 2 days ago:
As a beginner, it can be difficult to splatter paint with a brush because you might add a glop. You need a more ...
As a beginner, it can be difficult to splatter paint with a brush because you might ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Birth control'
Best Ways to

Birth control

Last answer by Michael Zimmerman 2 days ago:
Hormonal birth control includes adjusting your body’s natural progestin and/or estrogen levels to decrease the ...
Hormonal birth control includes adjusting your body’s natural progestin and/or estrogen ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Make a french press coffee'
Best Ways to

Make a french press coffee

Last answer by Jeffry Bowen 2 days ago:
Making coffee in a French press is much like making coffee using any other method. The only difference is how coarse ...
Making coffee in a French press is much like making coffee using any other method. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Epilate upper lip'
Best Ways to

Epilate upper lip

Last answer by Alexander Cook 2 days ago:
Getting rid of the hair on your upper lip doesn’t have to be painful! For those of us that hate getting waxed, ...
Getting rid of the hair on your upper lip doesn’t have to be painful! For those of ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Value a company'
Best Ways to

Value a company

Last answer by Cornelius Cole 2 days ago:
If you want to find out what a company is worth, you can compare it with a company of the same size such as its ...
If you want to find out what a company is worth, you can compare it with a company ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Avoid alzheimer's'
Best Ways to

Avoid alzheimer's

Last answer by Sara Butler 2 days ago:
The risk of developing Alzheimer's is greatly increased in people with preexisting cardiovascular conditions, such ...
The risk of developing Alzheimer's is greatly increased in people with preexisting ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Whiten clothes'
Best Ways to

Whiten clothes

Last answer by Vicky Gordon 2 days ago:
To make the clothes and bedding white again, you need to reduce the yellowness. Baking soda can work wonders in ...
To make the clothes and bedding white again, you need to reduce the yellowness. Baking ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Ask for a raise'
Best Ways to

Ask for a raise

Last answer by Alicia Boyd 3 days ago:
Give it some time before you walk into your manager’s office to ask for a raise. You should have worked in a company ...
Give it some time before you walk into your manager’s office to ask for a raise. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Relieve tension headaches'
Best Ways to

Relieve tension headaches

Last answer by Zachary May 3 days ago:
Frequent use of a computer, watching T.V or using your phone can also cause a strain on the neck and head which ...
Frequent use of a computer, watching T.V or using your phone can also cause a strain ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Improve in fortnite'
Best Ways to

Improve in fortnite

Last answer by Ollie Hart 3 days ago:
One of the best ways to really change things up and improve your overall game is to play around with your sensitivity. ...
One of the best ways to really change things up and improve your overall game is ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Not get covid'
Best Ways to

Not get covid

Last answer by Alex Bush 3 days ago:
If your friend is throwing a party at her house and there are going to be more than 10 people at the party, don’t ...
If your friend is throwing a party at her house and there are going to be more than ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Litter box train a kitten'
Best Ways to

Litter box train a kitten

Last answer by Todd Huffman 3 days ago:
Punishments are a terrible way to train any pet and must be avoided at all costs. Positive reinforcement is the ...
Punishments are a terrible way to train any pet and must be avoided at all costs. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Capture audience attention'
Best Ways to

Capture audience attention

Last answer by Kathy Wood 3 days ago:
Delivering your message in the right manner is as important as the central idea behind it. No one can captivate ...
Delivering your message in the right manner is as important as the central idea behind ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Ride a horse'
Best Ways to

Ride a horse

Last answer by Kelly Turner 3 days ago:
English Style The English style will require you to turn the reins to make the horse turn. Start with gently pulling ...
English Style The English style will require you to turn the reins to make the horse ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Warm up before a run'
Best Ways to

Warm up before a run

Last answer by Ricky Harrell 3 days ago:
Stretches before running can improve performance while doing physical activity. To get the most out of your run ...
Stretches before running can improve performance while doing physical activity. To ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Kill time'
Best Ways to

Kill time

Last answer by Juliette Harris 3 days ago:
It’s a digital era and I’m going to take names of some things that have almost vanished from our society, hope ...
It’s a digital era and I’m going to take names of some things that have almost vanished ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Sit on the floor'
Best Ways to

Sit on the floor

Last answer by Darren Lynch 4 days ago:
This is the most common way of sitting on the floor. To kneel: Step 1: Stand up and step either leg backward as ...
This is the most common way of sitting on the floor. To kneel: Step 1: Stand up and ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Narrow digital divide'
Best Ways to

Narrow digital divide

Last answer by Greg Blake 4 days ago:
A 2016 study on internet usage suggested that there are 250 million more men online than women. The lion’s share ...
A 2016 study on internet usage suggested that there are 250 million more men online ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ease tension'
Best Ways to

Ease tension

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 4 days ago:
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts that are causing strain ...
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Manage stress and anxiety'
Best Ways to

Manage stress and anxiety

Last answer by Amy Johnston 4 days ago:
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is most effective when it becomes ...
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is ...
Answers: 28
image for topic 'Hold a newborn baby'
Best Ways to

Hold a newborn baby

Last answer by Shelia Harrell 4 days ago:
This pose is a little difficult especially if you are holding a baby for the first time, ask someone who is used ...
This pose is a little difficult especially if you are holding a baby for the first ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Pack for moving'
Best Ways to

Pack for moving

Last answer by Kenneth Mays 4 days ago:
If you are dealing with a lot of heavy boxes and furniture and moving them around the house by yourself, consider ...
If you are dealing with a lot of heavy boxes and furniture and moving them around ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Freeze tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Freeze tomatoes

Last answer by Kelly Mcclure 4 days ago:
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. For days when you’ll be busy and ...
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Stir peanut butter'
Best Ways to

Stir peanut butter

Last answer by Jeremy Duran 4 days ago:
A spoon may seem ideal for stirring peanut butter, but natural peanut butter is so gloopy that it could easily ...
A spoon may seem ideal for stirring peanut butter, but natural peanut butter is so ...
Answers: 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 21

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