Topics tagged fruit

image for topic 'Ripen pears'
Best Ways to

Ripen pears

Last answer by Cornelia Reed 4 weeks ago:
Pears ripen best between 65 - 75F. Usually, Bartlett Pears ripen in 4-5 days and Bosc and Comice Pears need 5-7 ...
Pears ripen best between 65 - 75F. Usually, Bartlett Pears ripen in 4-5 days and ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Store avocado'
Best Ways to

Store avocado

Last answer by Elizabeth Grant 4 weeks ago:
The unripe avocadoes can last for up to 2 weeks. Check if the avocado’s outer shell is hard and green, if it is ...
The unripe avocadoes can last for up to 2 weeks. Check if the avocado’s outer shell ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Eat avocado'
Best Ways to

Eat avocado

Last answer by Carlton Holloway 3 months ago:
Avocados can be one of the easiest snacks to prepare. For a quick bite, simply cut an avocado in half and remove ...
Avocados can be one of the easiest snacks to prepare. For a quick bite, simply cut ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Cut avocado'
Best Ways to

Cut avocado

Last answer by Melody Banks 3 months ago:
A kitchen knife with a sharp tip is the simplest way to cut an avocado. Hold the avocado in one hand and the knife ...
A kitchen knife with a sharp tip is the simplest way to cut an avocado. Hold the ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ripen avocado'
Best Ways to

Ripen avocado

Last answer by Constance White 3 months ago:
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder to rip it, you must cut ...
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Freeze bananas'
Best Ways to

Freeze bananas

Last answer by Bruce Stone 4 months ago:
If you’re looking forward to using these frozen banana slices in your smoothie the next morning, or for making ...
If you’re looking forward to using these frozen banana slices in your smoothie the ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Freeze apples'
Best Ways to

Freeze apples

Last answer by Milton Walker 6 months ago:
Freezing apples is a great way to extend their shelf life, and they can be used in many applications, such as applesauce ...
Freezing apples is a great way to extend their shelf life, and they can be used in ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Freeze peaches'
Best Ways to

Freeze peaches

Last answer by Elaine Ray 3 years ago:
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice your peaches, either by hand ...
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice ...
Answers: 1

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