Topics tagged conservation

image for topic 'Preserve garlic'
Best Ways to

Preserve garlic

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 3 months ago:
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white and papery. Avoid buying garlic ...
Buy fresh garlic bulbs. You know it is fresh garlic when the outer skin is white ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Freeze tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Freeze tomatoes

Last answer by Kelly Mcclure 4 days ago:
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. For days when you’ll be busy and ...
Tomatoes don’t last long on the shelf so freezing them is the ultimate solution. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Freeze potatoes'
Best Ways to

Freeze potatoes

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 2 months ago:
I like to freeze potatoes because when the potatoes are clean and cut, I can quickly prepare a meal in 30 minutes ...
I like to freeze potatoes because when the potatoes are clean and cut, I can quickly ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Preserve tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Preserve tomatoes

Last answer by Emma Simpson 4 months ago:
Passata is Italian for sieved tomatoes – which is nothing but tomato puree with the skin and seeds removed. You ...
Passata is Italian for sieved tomatoes – which is nothing but tomato puree with the ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Freeze bananas'
Best Ways to

Freeze bananas

Last answer by Bruce Stone 4 months ago:
If you’re looking forward to using these frozen banana slices in your smoothie the next morning, or for making ...
If you’re looking forward to using these frozen banana slices in your smoothie the ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Freeze peaches'
Best Ways to

Freeze peaches

Last answer by Elaine Ray 3 years ago:
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice your peaches, either by hand ...
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Freeze apples'
Best Ways to

Freeze apples

Last answer by Milton Walker 6 months ago:
Freezing apples is a great way to extend their shelf life, and they can be used in many applications, such as applesauce ...
Freezing apples is a great way to extend their shelf life, and they can be used in ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Freeze soup'
Best Ways to

Freeze soup

Last answer by Clarence Black 10 months ago:
Rather than freezing a huge tupperware that takes forever to thaw, many people freeze soup in an ice cube tray. Just ...
Rather than freezing a huge tupperware that takes forever to thaw, many people freeze ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Freeze meat'
Best Ways to

Freeze meat

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image for topic 'Freeze macaroni and cheese'
Best Ways to

Freeze macaroni and cheese

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