Topics with Most Answers

image for topic 'Manage stress and anxiety'
Best Ways to

Manage stress and anxiety

Last answer by Amy Johnston 4 days ago:
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is most effective when it becomes ...
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is ...
Answers: 28
image for topic 'Improve credit score'
Best Ways to

Improve credit score

Last answer by Gerald Schneider 3 weeks ago:
One of the fastest ways to build good credit is by paying your bills on time. Creditors like to see a solid record ...
One of the fastest ways to build good credit is by paying your bills on time. Creditors ...
Answers: 17
image for topic 'Promote your business'
Best Ways to

Promote your business

Last answer by Rhonda Luna 3 weeks ago:
You don’t need celebrities as brand ambassadors to advertise your business. Influencers are just as effective because ...
You don’t need celebrities as brand ambassadors to advertise your business. Influencers ...
Answers: 17
image for topic 'Photograph food'
Best Ways to

Photograph food

Last answer by Adrian Walters 5 hours ago:
Food comes in so many wonderful colors, but sometimes the camera does not capture them quite the way they wanted. ...
Food comes in so many wonderful colors, but sometimes the camera does not capture ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Stay awake'
Best Ways to

Stay awake

Last answer by Russell Holland 5 months ago:
We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t even begin to count the amount ...
We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Study for an exam'
Best Ways to

Study for an exam

Last answer by Jeffry Bowen 1 week ago:
Day 1 = Scan material with Quick Highlighter / Watch all lectures at 1.5x speed. Day 2 and 3 = Skip to practice ...
Day 1 = Scan material with Quick Highlighter / Watch all lectures at 1.5x speed. Day ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Burn fat'
Best Ways to

Burn fat

Last answer by Benny West 1 day ago:
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system and have many mental and ...
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system ...
Answers: 12
image for topic 'Organize iphone apps'
Best Ways to

Organize iphone apps

Last answer by Doug Watson 4 weeks ago:
The most obvious way to organize your apps is to divide them into folders purposefully. The number of folders you ...
The most obvious way to organize your apps is to divide them into folders purposefully. ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Resell clothes'
Best Ways to

Resell clothes

Last answer by Irma Holland 15 hours ago:
Plato’s is one of the best shops to resell children’s and young adult’s clothes and accessories. If you have kids ...
Plato’s is one of the best shops to resell children’s and young adult’s clothes and ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Tell family you're pregnant'
Best Ways to

Tell family you're pregnant

Last answer by Hazel Robinson 1 month ago:
Nothing screams celebration more than eating a cake. Break the news of your pregnancy with a cake that says, "We ...
Nothing screams celebration more than eating a cake. Break the news of your pregnancy ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Design a kitchen'
Best Ways to

Design a kitchen

Last answer by Monica Mcdaniel 2 months ago:
Keeping a neat and clutter-free kitchen is the goal nowadays. You want to eliminate any wasted steps. Organize ...
Keeping a neat and clutter-free kitchen is the goal nowadays. You want to eliminate ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Speed up pc'
Best Ways to

Speed up pc

Last answer by Dan Perez 1 month ago:
Invest in additional RAM to power up your old systems. RAM upgrades, though becoming rarer by the day, are still ...
Invest in additional RAM to power up your old systems. RAM upgrades, though becoming ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Start an essay'
Best Ways to

Start an essay

Last answer by Sherri Olson 2 weeks ago:
The human brain loves curiosity and has a hunger for solving all the mysteries and coming to a satisfying ending. ...
The human brain loves curiosity and has a hunger for solving all the mysteries and ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Not get covid'
Best Ways to

Not get covid

Last answer by Alex Bush 3 days ago:
If your friend is throwing a party at her house and there are going to be more than 10 people at the party, don’t ...
If your friend is throwing a party at her house and there are going to be more than ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Lower cholesterol'
Best Ways to

Lower cholesterol

Last answer by Jeanne Stephens 2 weeks ago:
Consumption of saturated and trans fats increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known ...
Consumption of saturated and trans fats increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Fade acne scars'
Best Ways to

Fade acne scars

Last answer by Carolina Sanders 3 months ago:
Night serums seep into the layers of your skin during the night. The serum helps brighten the skin, reduce redness, ...
Night serums seep into the layers of your skin during the night. The serum helps ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Pay less income tax'
Best Ways to

Pay less income tax

Last answer by Percy Torres 1 week ago:
If you have a side business at home or if you are self-employed and work from home, then you can opt for a home ...
If you have a side business at home or if you are self-employed and work from home, ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Fold a napkin'
Best Ways to

Fold a napkin

Last answer by Sally Black 3 weeks ago:
Fold a large square napkin in half to create a rectangle. Start at the short end, fold the napkin into one-inch ...
Fold a large square napkin in half to create a rectangle. Start at the short end, ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Treat a cold'
Best Ways to

Treat a cold

Last answer by Jacob Richards 2 weeks ago:
It’s a well-established fact that when you’re fighting a cold, it’s good to drink plenty of fluids. Water, tea, ...
It’s a well-established fact that when you’re fighting a cold, it’s good to drink ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Save money'
Best Ways to

Save money

Last answer by Cornelius Cole 2 weeks ago:
Saving money is not as easy as it may sound. You cannot save money if you have a habit of buying things online ...
Saving money is not as easy as it may sound. You cannot save money if you have a ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Treat acne'
Best Ways to

Treat acne

Last answer by Cornelia Ferguson 2 weeks ago:
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For healthy and glowing skin, it ...
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Value a stock'
Best Ways to

Value a stock

Last answer by Jean Tate 2 months ago:
Intrinsic valuation is a more involved process, as compared to relative valuation where you only have to plug in ...
Intrinsic valuation is a more involved process, as compared to relative valuation ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Wake up in the morning'
Best Ways to

Wake up in the morning

Last answer by Martha Fisher 2 months ago:
Begin your day with some good old sunshine to set yourself up for an excellent day. Soak in the sun’s wholesome ...
Begin your day with some good old sunshine to set yourself up for an excellent day. ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Say I am sorry'
Best Ways to

Say I am sorry

Last answer by Clyde Hughes 2 weeks ago:
One of the best ways to apologize is by explaining the error. You should acknowledge your mistake and explain your ...
One of the best ways to apologize is by explaining the error. You should acknowledge ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Distract yourself'
Best Ways to

Distract yourself

Last answer by Elizabeth Hudson 2 months ago:
Make yourself laugh by cracking a silly joke. If you don’t have one in your mind, try reading it off a popsicle ...
Make yourself laugh by cracking a silly joke. If you don’t have one in your mind, ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Spice up a marriage'
Best Ways to

Spice up a marriage

Last answer by Edgar Hicks 1 day ago:
Revisit your relationship roots by spending some time each week sharing your favorite memories. It never hurts ...
Revisit your relationship roots by spending some time each week sharing your favorite ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Manage epilepsy'
Best Ways to

Manage epilepsy

Last answer by Earl Griffin 2 weeks ago:
I reduce the rate of seizures by controlling my brain activity. I can detect symptoms before the seizure. Therefore, ...
I reduce the rate of seizures by controlling my brain activity. I can detect symptoms ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Unblock nose'
Best Ways to

Unblock nose

Last answer by Earl Griffin 2 months ago:
A warm compress helps open the nasal passages from the outside. For making a warm compress, dip a towel in warm ...
A warm compress helps open the nasal passages from the outside. For making a warm ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Get pregnant'
Best Ways to

Get pregnant

Last answer by Glen Bridges 3 months ago:
Identifying your fertile days is critical when trying to get pregnant, but it can be slightly confusing. Women ...
Identifying your fertile days is critical when trying to get pregnant, but it can ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Reduce belly fat'
Best Ways to

Reduce belly fat

Last answer by Gertrude Craig 2 weeks ago:
I’ve seen a lot of people give up eating the minute they notice some belly fat. But that’s not the ideal way to ...
I’ve seen a lot of people give up eating the minute they notice some belly fat. But ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Capture audience attention'
Best Ways to

Capture audience attention

Last answer by Kathy Wood 3 days ago:
Delivering your message in the right manner is as important as the central idea behind it. No one can captivate ...
Delivering your message in the right manner is as important as the central idea behind ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Make money'
Best Ways to

Make money

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 2 months ago:
People are always selling and buying properties. If you can help a buyer meet seller and close a deal, you can ...
People are always selling and buying properties. If you can help a buyer meet seller ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Boost metabolism'
Best Ways to

Boost metabolism

Last answer by Kim Ross 1 month ago:
Having a meal can give your metabolism a boost for a few hours. Eating protein helps to fill you up and keep you ...
Having a meal can give your metabolism a boost for a few hours. Eating protein helps ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Kill time'
Best Ways to

Kill time

Last answer by Juliette Harris 3 days ago:
It’s a digital era and I’m going to take names of some things that have almost vanished from our society, hope ...
It’s a digital era and I’m going to take names of some things that have almost vanished ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Deal with depression'
Best Ways to

Deal with depression

Last answer by Helene Jacobs 1 month ago:
Depression is self-inflicted pain and sadness, you can only make it go away on your own. When you are ready to ...
Depression is self-inflicted pain and sadness, you can only make it go away on your ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Make money from home'
Best Ways to

Make money from home

Last answer by Arturo Moore 4 weeks ago:
If you know the nitty-gritty of photography and are good at photoshop, you can take and edit pictures of products ...
If you know the nitty-gritty of photography and are good at photoshop, you can take ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Lower blood pressure'
Best Ways to

Lower blood pressure

Last answer by Rita Henry 1 month ago:
One of the most common causes of hypertension is too much sodium in your diet. If your meals have a lot of salt, ...
One of the most common causes of hypertension is too much sodium in your diet. If ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Fall asleep'
Best Ways to

Fall asleep

Last answer by Rita Warren 3 weeks ago:
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes your body and calms your ...
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Motivate others'
Best Ways to

Motivate others

Last answer by Michele Hoffman 3 weeks ago:
Once the project ends, share your feedback with them. If they weren’t initially a part of the project, highlight ...
Once the project ends, share your feedback with them. If they weren’t initially a ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Wind down before bed'
Best Ways to

Wind down before bed

Last answer by Russell Cunningham 3 weeks ago:
Distract yourself from the worries when you are trying to sleep. A mental exercise helps your brain focus away ...
Distract yourself from the worries when you are trying to sleep. A mental exercise ...
Answers: 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 28

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