Best Ways to Burn fat


Switch to Healthy Fats

When you are losing body fat, you might feel the urge to stop eating fats because you don’t want your body to build fat. But, this not the right way to lose fat. Our body needs omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, K, and E.

Therefore, you can eat small amounts of healthy fats such as olive oil (extra virgin), nuts, fatty fish, avocados, and avocado oil.

Switch to Healthy Fats

Written by Eileen Williamson
7 months ago


Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system and have many mental and physical health benefits. Probiotics in yogurt, yeast, kimchi, Kombucha, and Kefir can not only improve your health but can also help you lose fat. Eat a low-calorie and concentrated probiotic diet to lose body fat naturally.


Written by Benny West
4 months ago


Cardio exercises are all the exercises that can raise your heartbeat and make you respire aerobically. Cardio exercises such as walking, running, swimming, jumping, and cycling can raise your heartbeat and make you breathless.

Regular cardio exercises can help burn calories and lose body fat effectively. Do a combination of cardio exercises every day to slim down.


Written by Tracy Newman
2 years ago


Fiber refers to vegetables and whole grains. Eating more fiber makes you feel full for longer. They also give your body the essential nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to lose excess fat. To speed up weight loss switch to unprocessed foods especially vegetables that are high in fiber.

A fiber-rich diet keeps you satiated for longer which means that you can easily skip snacking and decrease the calories you eat in a day. 


Written by Gertrude Craig
3 weeks ago

Do cardio after a weights session

If you’re already a regular gym-goer, you can add a quick cardio session after your weight training to maximize on the amount of calories you burn during your workout. Doing cardio after your workout has been proven to burn more fat than any cardio done before lifting. Do a light warmup before lifting to get your muscles warmed up. After hitting the weights, head to the stair master or treadmill for 15-20 minutes of cardio. Your body will continue burning calories for hours afterwards.

Written by Deborah Jensen
4 years ago

Eat at a calorie deficit

The only way to truly lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit, meaning that you're consuming fewer calories than you're burning.

To know how many calories you should be burning, you will want to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to know how many calories you burn in a day while stationary. For most women, it should be around 1700, while for most men, it will be around 2400. This varies based on your height and weight.

Then, taking into account your lifestyle, (sedentary, lightly active, or active) you can then figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day. To lose weight quickly, you will want to eat at a deficit of around 500 calories, which will put you at a weight loss of around 1 lb/week.

To track your calories, it can be beneficial to use a food logging app. You can then plug in what you've eaten that day and the app will give you the calorie count so that you can plan your meals accordingly.

Stick to your goals, stay focused, and eat at a calorie deficit, and you will be shedding pounds in no time.

Written by Kenneth Mays
1 year ago

Skip Sugar

If you can cut out sugar from the beverages and the foods that you eat in a day, you are on your way to losing body fat. Sugar increases our blood glucose which is a poor form of energy for the body. Most store-bought juices and other beverages are packed with sugar and have little or no nutritional value. Skipping these beverages can decrease the glucose and consequently the fat accumulation in your body.

Although fresh fruit juice is better than artificially sweetened juices. It is better to enjoy fruits and vegetables with fiber when you are trying to lose weight. Fruits such as grapefruit, avocadoes, and berries are good for the metabolism when losing weight.

Written by Sherri Olson
1 year ago

Eat a High Protein Diet

When you are trying to burn fat, you don’t want to lose the body’s muscle. To stay healthy and preserve muscle mass during weight loss, switch to a high-protein diet. A high-protein diet will boost your metabolism and keep you satiated for longer.

Hight-protein diets are essentially vital when you are losing stubborn stomach fat. Adding peanut butter, fish, eggs, nuts, pulses, and beans to your diet can improve the protein content of your meals. 

Eat a High Protein Diet

Written by Lionel Carrillo
1 week ago

Cut Down Refined Carbs

Carbs are readily turned into energy when they are consumed and digested in the body. Carbs or sugar turn into glucose that our body stores as its energy reservoir or in other words as 'fats'.

When you are burning fat in your body, you need to stay away from building more fats. Cut down refined carb-containing foods such as cookies, white bread, and cake. Instead, make fresh vegetables, meat, and beans a part of your healthy meal plans for burning fat.

Cut Down Refined Carbs

Written by Duane Cobb
11 months ago


The metabolism-boosting effects of coffee are well-known. Several types of research have revealed that people who drank coffee over longer periods gained less weight as compared to those who did not. The trick here to lose weight is to consume a cup of plain black coffee. Skip the milk, sugar, and cream in your coffee. Drink a cup of strong black coffee to kick start your day and boost your metabolism.

Written by Raphael Grant
1 year ago

Skip the Sugary Beverages

Everyone likes to have a beverage in the morning such as coffee or tea that gets them going. Adding sugar to your beverage means additional calories and adding more fat layers in the body. Avoid sugary beverages especially sweet wine, lemonades, and soda drinks. Drink coffee or tea without sugar to kick start your day.

Consume plenty of healthy fluids such as water, soup, and green tea to aid your body to shed calories.

Written by Owen Kirby
1 month ago

Cut Down Refined Crabs

The refined carbs that we eat in a day can be doing more harm than we think. The refined carbs are digested quickly and since they form glucose they are deposited in the form of fats in our body. Eating refined carbs can also make you hungrier because they are digested quickly.

To decrease body fat, consider eating complex carbs such as wheat, barley, and other whole grains. You can also cut out the carbs from your body altogether if you start a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic or Keto diet helps you lose weight when your body utilizes protein instead of carbs for energy. The body depletes its fat reservoirs in the absence of carbs which helps lose considerable weight. 

Written by Roderick Leonard
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Burn Fat?

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Get rid of belly fat

Fat burn at the gym

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