Who doesn’t like gifts? A gift does not have to be something expensive to make someone’s day. Choose something that can help the other person feel happy. If your friend is fond of plants, gift them a small pot of an indoor plant. If you see a homeless guy sitting on the street, buy him a jacket, warm food, or a blanket. Small acts of kindness can elevate their mode and yours too.
If your co-worker needs help with something you are good at, help them. If you know how to do specific tasks that a new-comer doesn’t know, teach them. Even if your friend loves the pasta you cook, teach them how to make it.
The best thing you can do for a person is to teach them how to do something just like the famous saying goes, give a person a fish and you’ll feed him for the day. Teach a person how to catch fish and you will give him a skill that will help him feed himself for a lifetime.
If you are good at something, give suggestions to others on how to do it right. If you are spending some time in the local park and you see kids playing football, join them if they let you in. Teach them how to dodge the ball and goal.
If you see a person playing piano at the restaurant and you are enjoying it, appreciate it and tell them how you loved each moment while they were playing it. They don’t get appreciated a lot, maybe you are the only one who can make their day.
Let’s say you are at the grocery store and someone is confused about getting something or need to know, where the exit is. If there is no one around to help them, guide them. It takes a minute to guide someone but they will be so glad they found help.
Go up to people you feel may need your help. If you see someone carrying a lot of stuff, or heavy things, politely offer to help. Insist a bit if they are hesitant, sometimes people are courteous and they don’t like to trouble others. If they don’t need it, gracefully step aside.
Observe the people around you, there is always someone around who can benefit from your help.
Sharing your resources with people who need them is a great way to satisfy the inner self that you are doing great. Some people like to help others because it makes them feel good. Carry a jerry can in the boot of your car if you can safely carry it. When you see a car shut down or out of fuel, offer them help.
If you know how to change a flat tire, help someone who does not know how to change a tire. Share your resources. The resources don’t have to be very expensive, but if it's important, be ready to share your stuff.