You can frame your ultrasound and add a side note that says, "The only thing better than having you as my parents are my baby having you as their grandparents." The sentence is sweet, direct, and sentimental. They will love it.
Is this your second child? Writing again on any of the sayings or gifts will have the same effect. For your first child, if you have given a note like, "Congratulations, you are going to be a grandma!" This time you can write, "Congratulations, you are going to be a grandma, again!" Believe me, she will be just as happy as the first time.
If you like to make a craft and hand-made gifts, you can paint a sign for your parents that says:
“The best parents get promoted to be grandparents.”
This is a cute reminder of the joyous announcement and they can always remember the moment when they see the sign.
Telling your family that you got pregnant (especially at a younger age) is an absolute nightmare for any female. The fear of raising a kid alone is like an axe hovering above your head. In this situation, if you’re looking for the support of your family but are too scared to tell them, there is a ‘blackmail’ method that can help you out. Instead of telling them verbally, show them a picture of your ultrasound. Seeing a baby growing in a photo is priceless and it can melt even the toughest of hearts.
What better way to announce your baby, than by giving a baby gift? Decorate a plain white onesie. You can use a sketch pen or paint the phrase, "Will you be my grandparents?" with a heart at the end. It is sweet, cute, and memorable!
Nothing screams celebration more than eating a cake. Break the news of your pregnancy with a cake that says, "We are pregnant!" and then bring the cake to the family dinner. You will never have a more memorable cake in your life!
If you have jolly parents, writing a joke for an announcement is one of the best ways to tell your parents you are pregnant. Simply wrap up a onesie that one of these phrases on it:
“My dad knows a lot, but my grandpa knows better!”
“If you think I nap a lot, you should see my grandpa!”
Letting your parents know they are going to be grandparents is a sweet and joyous moment. A cute way of letting them know of your pregnancy is by tying a note to a binky that says something like:
“Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Please keep this for me and use it when I come to visit you. Knowing my mom, she might forget about it.
See you in (your due date)
Baby (your last name)”
If you want to announce in a sweet way, but don’t want to do anything fancy, you can write a short poem. It can something like,
“Rose are red,
Violets are blue.
One (your due date)
Your grandchild is due!”
Make a personalized card. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Fold a paper and on the front side write the question, "What is a grandparent?" On the inside write, "You. You are a grandparent.” It is simple, cute, and oh so sweet.
Are your parent’s coffee lovers? If so, then buying matching coffee mugs with a sentence like,
“You are going to be a grandma!”
“You are going to be a grandpa!”
The mug is something that they will see every day and that will put a smile on their face.