Best Ways to Stay awake

Stay awake

Move around a little

Taking a brief 10-minute walk could spike your energy for as long as 2 hours because walking pumps oxygen into your muscles, veins, and brain. This is especially important if you have a desk job. Get up and leave your desk for short walks. It will keep you alert and refreshed when you’re trying to apply yourself to your work. 

Move around a little

Written by Ramon Stafford
4 years ago

Brighten up the room

If you’re in an environment with dim lighting when fighting sleepiness, it’s helpful to increase the intensity of light in your room. Studies suggest that exposing yourself to bright light can help tackle sleepiness and promote alertness. 

Written by Jodi Clark
7 months ago


Hydration is necessary as it helps your body function at its best. When you feel sleepy, have water so that the body performance stays at its optimal. Dehydration can make us feel exhausted, and inhibit our ability to focus.

Drinking a glass of water every hour when you are trying to stay awake can relieve muscle tiredness and avoid fatigue.

Keep in mind that an increased supply of water will also make your body shed water, so you would be urinating frequently. 


Written by Martha Fisher
2 years ago

Take a breather to start feeling alert

Deep Breaths raise oxygen level that slows hate rate and improves blood circulation. This helps more blood to reach out to the brain increasing its performance and energy.

Take a breather to start feeling alert

The method of deep-breathing is quite easy yet very effective.

1. Sit up straight.

2. Put your one hand on your belly just below the ribs.

3. Put the other one on the chest.

4. Take a deep breath through the nose, letting your belly push your hand out. Make sure the chest doesn't move throughout the exercise.

5. Breathe out through the lips. You might use the hand on the belly to help push air out.

6. You can do this exercise up to 10 times.

Written by Kristi Wiggins
7 months ago

Get out of bed

We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I’ve been working from my bed and start dozing off. Mentally, you associate your bed with sleep and rest. Whenever you sit in bed, your body begins to unwind and relax. When you’re trying to stay alert, get out of bed and find a good environment for the activity you’re trying to accomplish.

Written by Russell Holland
3 months ago

Make your bed

Now, this is my personal trick. Just before doing anything once you have stumbled out of bed, turn right around and make your bed up.

Making up your bed might have been that one chore that you hated since you were a kid, for a lot of people this simple act can act as the very first accomplishment of the day, leaving you energized and ready to conquer the rest of the day.

It is a simple and small habit yet it can start your day off on a good foot, making you feel more prepared and energized.

Written by Enrique Hunt
2 years ago

Take a break and move around

Falling asleep trying to finish that assignment? Or maybe you have a work deadline that you can’t miss? You may think the best thing to do is to stay put and muscle through it as you cry over your keyboard. In reality, sleepiness is a sign that your body needs a change of pace. It’s been stuck in one position for too long. Getting up to stretch and move around will help clear any sleepiness. You will feel refreshed once you sit back down to get back to work.

Written by Jill Owens
2 months ago

Consume Coffee

The caffeine in coffee stimulates the brain to stay active and awake. It also increases your ability to focus and energizes the body for vigorous mental and physical activity. This is why many people all over the world start their day with a cup of coffee.

If you are planning on studying all night or stay awake at work if you have slept barely last night, have a cup of strong coffee to fight drowsiness.

Consume Coffee

Written by Gloria Watkins
2 months ago

Move your body

One of the first things I always do when I start dozing off is get up and move around. Your body needs both the mental break and the physical movement to restart. Walking around will help pump oxygen throughout your body. This will re-energize you and prepare you for the task you're working on. Staying seated and trying to muscle through it will only wear you down. Take break and step out for a walk. Move your body

Written by Sean Wallace
2 years ago

Have a snack

Keep in mind that you might feel very energetic and fresh after having a sugary snack, after a little time you will feel more lazy and sleepy than before. Low blood sugar produces mental fogginess.

You should have a healthy and balanced diet for sustained fuel to keep yourself awake. Choose food with a large number of nutrients such as salads, fish, fruits, and vegetables. For sugar boosts, consume only fruits with natural sugar. Some of the best power snacks are:

- Yogurt with nuts or fresh fruits

- Almonds

- Tuna salad

- Raw veggies like carrot

- Peanut butter

Written by Marion Reyes
3 years ago

Take a nap

Okay, so this may seem counterintuitive. We have all had those moments when we closed our eyes for five minutes and woke up five hours later not knowing what year it was. However, taking a 15-20 minute nap can be really effective for getting rid of sleepiness. The only catch: you have to set an alarm and actually get up when it rings. No snoozing. If you can't nap, take 10 minutes just to close your eyes and sit quietly. Take a nap

Written by Melvin Shaw
2 months ago

Start a Conversation

If you are fading into sleep fast, engage yourself in a conversation. It will get your mind moving again. Talk to anyone near you or call someone up who you know will be free at that time.

Start a Conversation

You can talk to a colleague, discuss any business idea or politics with him. A conversation about politics is considered to be a very strong behavioral stimulator. In no matter of time you will find your self indulged deep into the conversation, don’t forget to return to the original work you wanted to stay awake for.

Written by Marlene Dean
3 months ago

Work Out

Exercise is the best way to fight muscle fatigue and tiredness that may result from staying awake for a longer period. To avoid falling asleep because of tiredness and aching body, do a 10- or 20-minute workout to physically stimulate the body. As the tiredness wears off, you will be feeling energized and ready to work faster. 

Work Out

Written by Frank Long
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Stay Awake?

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