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Dan Perez

Add more RAM

Invest in additional RAM to power up your old systems. RAM upgrades, though becoming rarer by the day, are still very capable of boosting your PC’s speed. They don’t put a deep hole in your pockets either. You can easily get an 8GB DDR4 RAM for a little over $55. 

Add more RAM

Be romantic and Mushy

Romance is an important element in a marriage that keeps the spark alive between two people. Yes, you do mushy in the first weeks of your relationship or the infatuation period but that’s not something that you should outgrow. Romance is something you work on constantly. It is fun to explore it and lose yourself in the moment with your partner.

Be delightfully mushy and cheesy with your partner- Have a candlelight dinner, dance slowly to your favorite song with him/her and do sappy things such as ‘Netflix and chill’. Be young and you will find endless ways to spice up your marriage. 

Walk Away

Surprisingly a lot of people find it very difficult to walk away even when the car-dealer is not ready to sell at a fair price. This is because they either get emotionally attached to the car or are too tired of all the negotiation and car buying process. You should be willing to walk away and buy the car only if the offered price is fair.

Boost Metabolism

All of us don’t have the same body type because of a different metabolic system. People with slow metabolic systems accumulate more fat in their body that makes their bodies appear chubby. If you are one of those people, then you need to learn the right way to boost your metabolism.

There are hundreds of common ways to boost metabolism such as drinking coffee, green tea, exercising, cardio, and so on. The best and the most effective way to lose weight is to see a dietician. A dietician can help you understand your metabolism and the right foods to help your body shed its fat reservoirs. Only a dietician can suggest the right diet that can help you actually lose considerable weight.

Skiing Gear

Skiing gear is a must. Find a helmet, goggles, and a neck gaiter to wear for your skiing trip. Helmets are not mandatory but if you will be skiing in a dangerous zone where there are many trees, it is necessary to be safe. Goggles protect your eyes from thrusting wind, snow, sunlight, and contaminants that might blur your vision. Balaclava or neck gaiter covers the neck and can be pulled onto the face if your face hurts with cold. 

Skiing Gear

Build People

Always stay positive even in negative situations. A small compliment or word of appreciation can help someone change their life someday. Think about how a small compliment from your teachers or colleague made your day. Don’t you want to be like them? Of course, the answer is yes.

We are inspired by the people who motivate us, appreciate us and acknowledge our struggles. If you can become someone who builds other people, you can inspire many around you.

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