Best Ways to Increase oxygen uptake


Stay active

Exercise is critical for maintaining your overall physical health. Even the simplest exercises such as walking will enable your body to improve its oxygen utilization while eliminating waste through your lymphatic system.

Not just that, walking also improves your confidence, mood, and reduces stress. 

Written by Stan Jones
1 month ago

Alter your breathing method

Exercise your lungs to maintain optimum respiratory health. How, though, might you exercise your lungs?

Well, sick people tend to breathe using their upper chest and draw in more air, which in turn causes the oxygen levels in the body to drop. On the contrary, the ideal way to breathe is to inhale slowly from the diaphragm and through the nose, not the mouth.

Written by Jeremy Duran
4 months ago

Hydrate yourself

The human body is 60 percent water, which means it is key to your health and optimum functioning of the body.

If you’re aiming to maximize the benefits of oxygenation, opt for filtered water. This will offer higher hydration and oxygenation levels at the cellular level. 

Written by Gloria Watkins
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Increase Oxygen Uptake?

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