Best Ways to Kill bugs in house


Peppermint oil

Oh, the curse of bugs in the house! It is among the most annoying things in the world and demands your immediate attention. I have been a victim to this in the past and tried out a few things before peppermint oil helped me get rid of bugs completely. Besides the obvious benefit of making your home smell splendid, peppermint oil naturally repels bugs, ants, spiders, and mice. 

Written by Rosemary Mack
6 months ago

Neem oil

Neem oil is a must-try if you have bugs in the house. Neem trees repel insects and bugs of any kind. They kill over 200 species of insects, many of which try to break into your home. You can keep a neem tree at home, or spray neem oil to free your home from bugs. They will also keep the air in your home fresh and minty. 

Written by Dolores Wallace
12 months ago

Call for professional help

There are various degrees of bug infestation. While you may handle the initial stages, advanced stages will need professional help. Analyze the pest infestation in your home before you make a decision. Most insects will set up several stations in the house, try to find them out to get the full picture. Try out natural pesticides and essential oils. If that does not work, call for professional help. There are dedicated agencies in every region that help exterminate pests. 

Written by Jacqueline Martin
5 days ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Kill Bugs In House?

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