Best Ways to Clean after fumigation


Use Soap Water Mix to Clean the Exposed Areas

Pest infestation becomes an obstacle in your peaceful life when it’s your own home. Fumigation is the process to get rid of these insects. In order to get back to your living your normal life, it’s necessary to clean your entire home. Open all of your windows and doors, and then get rid of the dead insects by vacuuming. Use a soap water mix to clean the surface areas that were in exposure during fumigation. Make sure you clean the entire house!

Written by Ismael Thompson
1 month ago

Make a Vinegar and Water Mixture to Clean Your Furniture

Fumigation can be dangerous for your family’s health if the house is not cleaned properly. Throw away any food that was out in the open during the process. Make a vinegar water mixture solution to clean out the surface areas of the furniture after wiping them with soap water. Do not forget the cabinets, doors, knobs and all the other intricate areas. Give the pillow cases, bed sheets and curtains to the laundry. Let the house sit for 48 hours and don’t go in during that time.

Written by Kathy Wood
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Clean after Fumigation?

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