Many colleges cost way cheaper than others. Explore your options carefully and apply for colleges that don’t charge high fees. Going to a college in your town or city can also save you a lot of money because you won’t be spending money on air tickets or accommodation.
The best option to study at college without loans is to secure a Federal or local grant. College grants are financial need-based and merit-based. You can apply for all kinds of grants you come across. You might qualify for one and won’t have to pay a single dime for studying at a college.
If all else fails, start a job. There are millions of students in the world who work 10 hours job a day to support their tuition expenses. Find a high-paying job if you can, to make more money.
Not everyone should end up a barista or work at Mc. Donald’s. If you have a skill that can land you a good job, use it. An office job where you have to work while sitting in a comfy chair is far better than a hectic job that requires you to stay on your feet for 8 hours a day.
College is not 24/7 fun. At the end of the day, you have to think about your future and how you will manage your expenses. A survey revealed that people who graduated less than 10 years ago were unable to buy their own house because they had college loans to pay. College loans hold you back when you want to take risks in life and start your own business. Make informed decisions to prioritize your career.