Topics tagged study

image for topic 'Study for an exam'
Best Ways to

Study for an exam

Last answer by Jeffry Bowen 1 week ago:
Day 1 = Scan material with Quick Highlighter / Watch all lectures at 1.5x speed. Day 2 and 3 = Skip to practice ...
Day 1 = Scan material with Quick Highlighter / Watch all lectures at 1.5x speed. Day ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Concentrate on studies'
Best Ways to

Concentrate on studies

Last answer by Karen Williamson 7 months ago:
Instead of studying 5 chapters of Physics in one day for an upcoming exam, create a study mix. Study one or two ...
Instead of studying 5 chapters of Physics in one day for an upcoming exam, create ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Teach spelling'
Best Ways to

Teach spelling

Last answer by Benny Freeman 12 months ago:
Most words can be sounded out to figure out, and to more easily remember, the spelling of the word. Go slow, and ...
Most words can be sounded out to figure out, and to more easily remember, the spelling ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Memorize spelling words'
Best Ways to

Memorize spelling words

Last answer by Leo Cross 3 months ago:
If you’re nervous about how you will perform on a spelling test, take a practice test to get your nerves out. This ...
If you’re nervous about how you will perform on a spelling test, take a practice ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Pay for college without loans'
Best Ways to

Pay for college without loans

Last answer by Rhonda Luna 2 months ago:
Many colleges cost way cheaper than others. Explore your options carefully and apply for colleges that don’t charge ...
Many colleges cost way cheaper than others. Explore your options carefully and apply ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Skip online classes'
Best Ways to

Skip online classes

Last answer by Armando Gregory 3 months ago:
Probably the best way to excuse yourself from an online class is to use the classic "Oh, the internet was down". ...
Probably the best way to excuse yourself from an online class is to use the classic ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Study biology'
Best Ways to

Study biology

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image for topic 'Study etymology'
Best Ways to

Study etymology

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