Best Ways to Survive covid

Survive covid

Do not skip exercise

With physical therapists canceling appointments and gyms closing, it gets easy to neglect your physical well-being. This could leave your muscles stiff and you might gain those extra pounds too. Do not skip exercise and stretching, even if you are quarantined at your home.

You can find numerous exercise and workout videos at home. You can encourage your partner or children to do the same to double the fun. Yes, we all want to relax and watch Netflix but exercising is an excellent way to increase the happy endorphins in your body. Do not skip exercise

Written by Fredrick Hodge
2 months ago

Stay Hydrated

Water is the most essential drink that your body needs for proper functioning. To avoid developing diarrhea, drink plenty of water and other fluids such as soup and milk. If you are experiencing diarrhea, talk to your healthcare provider and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure to have plenty of rest and exercise. You need a mix of both to recover. Stay indoors for at least 14 days or until the test comes out negative. Order the food, water, and other essentials online and get them delivered to your house. Clean the front door and surfaces that you come in contact with.

Written by Steve Blake
8 months ago

Take a break from social media

Let’s face it, we are hearing all negative in the news since the pandemic started. Social media is no less in spiking our anxiety. The messages that the media is conveying is wrong at so many levels. Therefore, it is best for you to distance yourself from the news and social media for some time.

Instead, keep yourself busy reading a book or trying out new recipes. The more time you spend hearing about the novel coronavirus, the more it is going to mess with your mind. 

Written by Clarence Hunt
3 years ago

Keep the communication alive with your loved ones

Depending on your friends and family for support at this time is the most important to keep you going. We are fortunate enough to call them or text them anytime we want.

For the first time in my life, I asked my best friend to run to the store and get me groceries. As much as it's good to be independent, we should learn to ask for help. Communicating with your loved ones helps you to manage your chores easily. Asking my best friend helped me realized that we all are in this together.

Written by Grace Murphy
2 months ago

Eat Healthy

When you have COVID, it is vital to eat healthy foods and cook at home if possible. If you can get out of bed and do some chores around the house such as cleaning and cooking, don’t limit yourself to your bed and eat junk food.

Eat a moderate diet and avoid too much salt and sugar. Cook simple and healthy recipes and avoid processed food. Instead of drinking sodas or fresh fruit juice that is high in sugar, eat raw fruits. According to WHO, your daily intake of sodium should not be more than 1 teaspoon.

Written by Randy Dotson
11 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Survive Covid?

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Recover from covid

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