Sharing your resources with people who need them is a great way to satisfy the inner self that you are doing great. Some people like to help others because it makes them feel good. Carry a jerry can in the boot of your car if you can safely carry it. When you see a car shut down or out of fuel, offer them help.
If you know how to change a flat tire, help someone who does not know how to change a tire. Share your resources. The resources don’t have to be very expensive, but if it's important, be ready to share your stuff.
When you look at your computer or TV screen for extended durations, it dries your eyes out, which then leads to headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain.
When you’re absorbed into what’s happening on the screen, the blink rate of your eyes drops from 20 blinks/minute to just about 6-8 blinks/minute.
The next time you’re working with a screen and feel strain in your eyes, try to blink more to lubricate your eyes and refresh your brain so it can process the visual data with increased efficiency.
If you were always “too busy” to do something you love, now is a perfect time. Maybe you wanted to learn to play the piano or have a reunion with your high-school friends.
You’ve got all the time in the world so start striking things off your bucket list, and keep striking as many as you can.
Cocktails like Blue Hawaii or frozen margaritas are delicious, but it's easy to lose track of how many you're drinking on a night out. They contain massive amounts of sugar, that, when consumed to such a degree, dehydrate you (sugar is a humectant, drawing water out from your body) and also can cause headaches, both giving you and exacerbating a hangover. Try using carbonated water or diet soda as a mixer instead.
If you don't already know, breeding gets you an XP orb every time a baby animal is born. If you're just starting out, you should definitely think about trapping some animals on your first or second day. Breeding comes a bit later, but it should definitely be on your to-do list. Once you start breeding, you should get a fair bit of XP in a few days. After that, you can also go fish for XP. Fishes also get you XP orbs every time you catch one, regardless of whether you pick it up or not.
Pest infestation becomes an obstacle in your peaceful life when it’s your own home. Fumigation is the process to get rid of these insects. In order to get back to your living your normal life, it’s necessary to clean your entire home. Open all of your windows and doors, and then get rid of the dead insects by vacuuming. Use a soap water mix to clean the surface areas that were in exposure during fumigation. Make sure you clean the entire house!
Numbers can help you distract easily. This is possible even when you are not a math person. You can try any of the following:
Running through a times table in your head.
Counting backward from 100
Choosing a number and thinking of 5 ways you can make the number. For example number 6. 2x3 = 6. 5+1 =6, 6x1 = 6, and so on.