Best Ways to Celebrate retirement


Give back

You can give a financial gift to your favorite charity, alma mater, or your grandchildren. You can also consider a volunteer role for a cause you care about. Or you can mentor young minds who are at the start of their corporate life. Pass on your skills and give back to the community.

Written by Grant Robertson
3 months ago

Write your memoir

Retirement is a great way to pause in your life and think about how you want to spend the rest of your life and how you want to be remembered. You can tell your story by writing a blog, book, or memoir. Pass on your wisdom to your children, grandchildren, and even young people in your corporate life. You can give career-tips as well. Most people have stories to tell, don't wait for others to write them for you. Pen it down yourself.

Written by Thelma Hansen
4 months ago

Strike something off your unfinished bucket list

If you were always “too busy” to do something you love, now is a perfect time. Maybe you wanted to learn to play the piano or have a reunion with your high-school friends.

You’ve got all the time in the world so start striking things off your bucket list, and keep striking as many as you can. 

Written by Ismael Thompson
2 months ago

Make a memory book

You have accomplished a lot in your life. Maybe you went up the corporate ladder or raised a family. Organize all your accomplishments in a memory book and add photos and description to it. Take your time to make the book and add dates and captions for major events.

Make a memory book

Written by Nicholas Taylor
3 months ago


Retirement gives you the freedom to truly unwind in a way you could never do before. You can now put the alarm clock in the closet and wake up naturally. Take your time and linger on the newspaper a little bit longer. You don’t have to dress up and rush to the office anymore. Take your time to do what you enjoy and relax.


Written by Angelina Welch
2 years ago

Go on a trip

It is difficult to explore a place in just two weeks of vacation time. But now you can go ahead and extend your vacation plans. You can take an international trip and see the wonders of the world yourself. Retirees have the luxury of traveling during weekdays and off-peak times. You can even travel during the off-season and have a lavish stay at affordable prices.

Go on a trip

Written by Stephanie Collins
2 weeks ago

Plan a retirement party

A retirement party is a great way of starting the next phase of your life. The party can be a small and intimate gathering of immediate family members and co-workers. Or, it can be a huge party that invites everyone to celebrate the occasion. It is your party, plan it the way you will enjoy it.

Written by Rosemarie Skinner
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Celebrate Retirement?

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