Topics tagged negotiation

image for topic 'Persuade someone'
Best Ways to

Persuade someone

Last answer by James Hansen 2 months ago:
It’s far easier to persuade people with logic, than with anything else. If you’re able to show the other person ...
It’s far easier to persuade people with logic, than with anything else. If you’re ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Negotiate a car price'
Best Ways to

Negotiate a car price

Last answer by Earl Alvarez 2 months ago:
The car dealers or sellers are dealing with customers and they know how to convince them because they are looking ...
The car dealers or sellers are dealing with customers and they know how to convince ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Negotiate salary'
Best Ways to

Negotiate salary

Last answer by Rene Wright 6 months ago:
Preparation is key. It may sound a bit much, but it works pretty well. Ask a friend to interview you with a set ...
Preparation is key. It may sound a bit much, but it works pretty well. Ask a friend ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Persuade your parents'
Best Ways to

Persuade your parents

Last answer by Angelina Welch 4 hours ago:
If you’re hoping to persuade your parents, you’re going to have to choose a suitable time to stack the odds in ...
If you’re hoping to persuade your parents, you’re going to have to choose a suitable ...
Answers: 3

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