Best Ways to Negotiate a car price


Create Counteroffers

You should not buy your car from the first dealer that is 10 minutes away. With that being said, drive to the dealerships that are 1 to 4 hours away and listen to what they have to offer. Use the prices given by the other dealers as your counteroffer to negotiate the car price. Dealers usually don’t mind sharing a piece of the pie with you and are highly competitive so chances are that you’ll be able to find the car at the lowest price by visiting multiple dealers.

Create Counteroffers

Written by Lon Washington
10 months ago

Don’t Get Emotionally Attached to a Car

When you are trying to get a good deal, getting attached to a car emotionally will make it hard to walk away when the deal is not fair. To buy the car at a fair price, you need to remind yourself of the ultimate buying goal. If you get emotionally attached to a car you won’t be able to make a rational decision so you may end up paying higher than a fair price.

Written by Ignacio Wells
1 year ago


The car dealers or sellers are dealing with customers and they know how to convince them because they are looking for a greater fool. To value the car price correctly, perform some research. The car rates should differ depending on where you live, the availability of that car, and even the time of the day or month. To buy the car at the ideal price, it is necessary to figure out what an ideal price is, visit websites where people sell cars and websites that track car values. 


Written by Earl Alvarez
4 months ago

Take a Friend with You

We all have a friend who is good at negotiating and if you have a friend that has some experience in negotiating car prices, take them to the dealership with you. Or if they can’t join you, get some negotiating tips from them, the tips can probably help you keep some dollars in your pocket.

The car buying process can be very frustrating and tiring therefore, the dealers want you to surrender and pay more. Remember, that every dollar you negotiate goes into your pocket so stay determined and don’t let the dealer put that extra cash in their pocket.

Written by Sally Black
10 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Negotiate a Car Price?

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