Best Ways to End an essay


Connect to your first paragraph

Another great way to conclude your essay is to bring your discussion back to the thesis statement you established in the first paragraph. By bringing your essay back to the beginning, you are emphasizing the main points of your paper. It's also a way of showing that you have thoroughly discussed your thesis. This type of ending can be very effective and add a nice polish to your conclusion.

Written by Leonardo Richards
2 weeks ago

Rinse and Repeat

The conclusion of an essay is always a paraphrased summary of everything that you mentioned within that essay. It's practically just a repeat of the same stuff, just in a different wording (Just like the first and second sentences provide the same information but in a different way!) Quickly go over and recap everything you understood in the essay and write about it in a concise way, including the findings you came to as a result of your result. You'll be able to draft a pretty strong conclusion this way.

Written by Robert Thomas
1 year ago

End with a quote

Ending an essay effectively will help your reader feel like your paper explored a few main points in a clear and concise way. The best way to reflect that in your closing paragraph is by using a quote that helps put your essay into perspective. It can also reaffirm the points that you made throughout your paper. The quote should come from a trusted scholarly source.

Written by Kristy Morgan
2 months ago

Put it into a larger context

Once you've made it to the end of your essay, you have already given your reader ample context as well as broken down each of your main points. When you get to your ending, you want to drive home the idea that your argument is important to the overall discussion of this topic. You can do this by placing your argument into a larger context or framework. This will highlight the importance of your argument and how it could open the door for further research.

Written by Rita Henry
7 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO End an Essay?

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Conclude an essay

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