Best Ways to Introduce yourself in an interview


Keep it short

Interviewers often start with an open-ended question, something like “tell me about yourself.” The question, although simple, can feel daunting if you’re not prepared. The answer to this question will change for different job profiles that you’re interviewing for. That is not to say you have to lie! But you’ll need to highlight the RELEVANT elements of your background for a particular job.

Keep it short

More importantly, you’ll need to keep it as concise as possible. It’s extremely helpful to prepare a pitch beforehand and prepare yourself for such commonly asked interview questions.

Written by Ernesto Soto
3 months ago

Basic courtesies

As you sit in front of the interview board, tell the interviewers you’re pleased to meet them. Be comfortable. You want to come across prepared and eager for the conversation. Keep your introduction concise. Focus on your profile and qualifications. Tell them what brings you to the interview. And finally, be prepared for follow-up questions. Note that you should maintain eye contact with all the board members throughout the time.

Written by Doug Lindsey
2 years ago

Relax, it's just a conversation

During the introduction, you may often face questions like, “Walk me through your resume” or “Tell me about yourself.” That’s your cue to give them a short introduction about yourself. Most people make the mistake of simply repeating what’s on the CV. You want to take a more conversational approach here. Add something unique such as any interesting hobby, or history. Keep the job position in mind and speak in line of that. 

Written by Leo Lara
4 weeks ago

Bring out your personality

Begin with a personal introduction and make sure to emphasize on your top-selling points for the position you’re interviewing for. Make sure to customize it depending on the company. This will require thorough company research. Make sure to jot down the keywords. Avoid memorizing the entire introduction. You don’t want to sound like a robot. And the last point to note, keep it simple. Limit your introduction to about a minute.

Written by Moises Hammond
1 year ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Introduce Yourself In an Interview?

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