Best Ways to Write a conclusion


Synthesize rather than summarize

Don’t just summarize what you already wrote in the main content. There’s a reason why it’s called a conclusion and not a summary. That is not to say you can’t talk about the main content at all, but make it a part of your conclusion – not the entire conclusion.

Instead of rewriting the same points, bring the entire article together for the reader. Explain to the readers how your arguments and examples agree with each other. This will make you sound more concrete, which usually has the effect of influencing the reader’s thought process.

Written by Angela Olson
6 months ago

Use a conversational tone

It’s okay to not sound excessively smart or professional when writing the conclusion. As long as it doesn’t entirely disagree with the tone of the rest of the article, use a conversational tone. Speak to the readers as though they are your friends, and let them know that you have the information they seek.

A conversational tone will also make your call-to-actions more effective. So, this makes the conclusion a great place to insert that final nudge that asks the readers to subscribe to your emails.

Written by Cathy Marquez
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Write a Conclusion?

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