Best Ways to Heal nose piercing


Use saline

Saline solution is recommended by all professional piercers to help heal piercings effectively. It is essentially just salt water, which you can make at home, or buy in a bottle.

The salt helps to disinfect your nose piercing, and wash away any dirt or crust that might've accumulated during the healing process.

If you're making your own saline, simply combine a quarter of a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm, clean water. From there, you can either dip your nose in the solution for one to two minutes, or you can dip a cotton ball into the solution and hold onto your piercing for one to two minutes.

Do this twice daily, maybe three times, but it is possible to clean too much and strip away your body's oils that are necessary for proper healing.

Written by Tracy Newman
5 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Heal Nose Piercing?

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