Best Ways to Increase chances of having a girl


Take Science’s Assistance

If having a girl child is your top priority and you want immediate results. Science is what you need. Any other method will not give as evident results like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization Method), you can select the sex of your baby and they will implant the desired embryo into the mother’s uterus. But this method is obviously expensive. If you really want a girl and have the ability to spend, then go for this method.

Written by Benny West
3 months ago

Go For the Shettles Method

The Shettles is quite popular and have been in use since the 50’s. This method relies on the timing before the ovulation. It is recommended to have intercourse about 2-4 days before the ovulation because the girl sperm is stronger and survive in acidic situations. Shettles method’s success rate is 75 percent and has no scientific reasoning to back up the method. But if you want to conceive a girl child in the natural way, it would not hurt to try this method.

Written by Marvin Poole
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Increase Chances of Having a Girl?

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