Best Ways to Compliment a girl over text


Be Open

When you really want to give her a compliment but don’t want to be cheesy, be open about it. Say; ‘I don’t want to sound cheesy, but you really are a very good dancer’ or say ‘I’m honest, you are like a ray of positivity. Letting her know that you know a compliment sounds cheesy but you can’t help saying it. This also shows that you are honest and straight-forward. 

Written by Angelina Welch
3 weeks ago

Compliment the Small Things

Women like it when men notice the small things that women care about. It could be her hairstyle, her makeup, or a new accessory. Look for something important in her pictures. When she’s wearing or doing something that catches your eye, compliment it. For example: ‘I like how you matched your nail polish to your shoes’ or ‘Your house is so organized’. 

Compliment the Small Things

Written by Jeanne Young
5 months ago

Give the Sweetest Compliments

Step up the compliment game if the girl you are complimenting is your girlfriend or the girl you are dating. If she’s your favorite person in the world then she deserves to know that. Give her as many compliments as you want, some really sweet compliments are:

“In a room full of people, I always find myself staring at you.”

“Don’t ever stop being you.”

“You deserve the world”

“Girl you’re amazing, just the way you are”

“Grow old with me”

“You are my sun, my moon, and all the stars”

“You make me a better man”

“I’m on a mission to not think about you. I call it mission: Impossible”

Give the Sweetest Compliments

Written by Harriet Reynolds
3 years ago

Compliment Sparingly

When you barely text this girl, giving her too many compliments at once will make her uncomfortable. Compliments are welcomed and admired by women when they are genuine and in moderation. Give her one compliment a day if you really want to. Tell her “you seem happy today” or “It’s nice talking to you” if you two are not very close. Small and steady compliments are the best way to get her attention and make her feel good. 

Written by Audrey Benson
4 months ago

Be casual

The best way to greet anyone, not just girls, over text is to be casual. Don't put out too much too fast or you risk scaring the girl away by coming off as needy, creepy, or at worst, scary. A simple "Hi! How are you doing" or "What's up?" will suffice. It may also help to have something to say, like a question or a joke you two share, so that the conversation doesn't fizzle out before it even has a chance to begin. Be casual and fun, but give the girl you're talking to something to work with so she doesn't have to carry the conversation for you.

Written by Sonia Harris
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Compliment a Girl Over Text?

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Greet a girl over text

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