Best Ways to Make money as a teen

Make money as a teen

Do what you love

Building an income stream during teenage teaches you discipline and brings valuable experience that could give you a head-start towards building a good financial foundation. That being said, it can be quite a conundrum when you’re just venturing into the real world.

Part-time jobs are often the best way for teenagers to fetch some greenback since they usually don’t require a qualification or prior experience. You’ll often see teenagers working at restaurants, retail stores, or movie theaters.

If that doesn’t float your boat, and if you’re keen on honing your entrepreneurial skills – try being your own boss, you’re going to love it. If you’re particularly good at a subject, become a tutor. If you enjoy interaction with pets, ask your neighbors if they need a dog walker.

Do what you believe will teach you new things and something you’d enjoy doing. This will help you maintain consistency. 

Written by Maureen Stone
1 year ago

Sell your work online

A great way to make money as a teen, without even needing to leave your own home, is to sell your work online. If you are adept at any skill, especially one you enjoy doing, someone somewhere is likely to want to pay you for it.

Many young people are making money nowadays through art commissions. There is also a huge demand for amateur copywriters looking to make a few extra bucks. No matter what your product, it is now easier than ever to advertise it through social media such as Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. If you're a writer, read the first chapter of your novel or a few lines of poetry. If you're an artist, post your process and progress pictures. Once you have a following, and thus a demand, you can then start opening up commissions, or a Patreon if your following is large enough. Just be patient with your process and watch your cash flow grow.

Written by Annie Jensen
9 months ago

Do chores

In many families, parents create a system in which children get paid to do household chores. This can include things like taking the trash out, emptying the dishwasher or dusting a room in the house. For each chore done, the children get paid a small amount. Later on, the kids can use the money they’ve earned to buy whatever you want. This system is a great way of teaching children the value of hard work and how to handle money.

Written by Thomas Flores
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Make Money As a Teen?

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Earn money as a teenager

Earn money as a kid

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