Best Ways to Boost metabolism


Drink Green tea or oolong tea

Green tea or oolong tea can increase your metabolism to 5%. They help convert some fat that is stored in your body into fatty acids that increase fat burning. Having low calories, these are perfect for weight loss and maintenance.

However, their effect may be small or only to some people due to not to much effect on your metabolism. But combined with some diet and workout plan it can be just that one thing to boost your metabolism to the max.

Drink Green tea or oolong tea

Written by Dina Anderson
11 months ago

Eat spicy foods

Peppers have a substance called capsaicin which helps boost your metabolism. That being said, for capsaicin to have any considerable effect on your body, you will need lots of it. A lot of people may not be able to tolerate food that spicy.

Although, the effect that capsaicin has is rather minuscule. But it’s a perfect way to supplement your other metabolism-boosting efforts.

Eat spicy foods

Written by Thelma Hansen
3 months ago

Include protein in all meals

Every time you eat, your metabolism increases for a few hours. This is referred to as the thermic effect of food (TEF). This is caused by the calories required to be used for digesting, absorbing, and processing your meal’s nutrients.

Among all nutrients, protein causes the greatest spike in TEF. Fat increases your metabolic rate by 1-3 percent, carbs increase it by 5-10 percent, but protein increases it by as much as 15-30 percent.

Moreover, protein also makes you feel full for longer which helps reduce cravings. 

Written by Ira Schmidt
1 day ago

Resistance training

Strength training is a good way to build muscle, which in turn helps boost metabolism. The metabolic rate of muscle mass is higher as compared to fat which means your body will require more energy for preserving the muscle mass. Aging can cause a person’s body to naturally lose muscle. Incorporating resistance training into your routine can help counteract this aging effect. Resistance training could involve weight-lifting and other exercises where you need to use your body’s weight or resistance bands for building muscle.

Resistance training

Written by Felix Villarreal
5 days ago

Stay hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is the best way to keep your body functioning at its best, and also optimizes your metabolism. In fact, it could also help lose weight.

A study revealed that increasing daily water consumption by 1.5 liters for a group of overweight women between 18-23 years of age reduced their average weight and body mass index. 

Written by Jane Pena
9 months ago

Drink cold water

Consuming more water instead of other sugary beverages provides a benefit in the form of reduced calorie intake.

What’s more, drinking water is also good for temporarily increasing your metabolism as well. To put a number on this, drinking about 0.5L of water increases your resting metabolism by as much as 10-30 percent.

If you want to see even better numbers, drink cold water. The reason is, your body will need the energy to heat the cold water and bring it to the body temperature.

Written by Sean Lawrence
1 week ago

Replace your cooking fats with coconut oil

Unlike some other fats, coconut oil boost metabolism and decrease your fat storage due to high- calories presence.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fats unlike other fats like butter. Medium-chain fats boost your metabolism by 12% than other long-chain fats.

Coconut has a unique fatty acid profile, thus replacing it with your cooking fats may result in modest benefits for metabolism boost and weight loss.

Written by Elizabeth Hudson
1 year ago

Bust your stress

Stress can cause hormonal imbalance, which could increase the production of cortisol in your body. Cortisol regulates your body's appetite. Researchers have linked abnormal levels of cortisol in people with a disorderly eating pattern. Disorderly eating patterns could disrupt your metabolism. Stress also adversely affects the quality of your sleep, which in turn adversely affects metabolism. 

Written by Fredrick Hodge
2 months ago

Eat more protein

Having a meal can give your metabolism a boost for a few hours. Eating protein helps to fill you up and keep you from overeating. Eating more protein keeps you from eating too many calories while also ensuring that you are burn more calories off. While this will help you lower your intake for the day, you will still retain your muscle. It is an easy way of boosting your metabolism without any drastic changes to your lifestyle.

Written by Kim Ross
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Boost Metabolism?

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