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Juliette Harris

Think happy thoughts

Yes, serotonin positively influences your mood. But, some research suggests that reverse might also be true, i.e. you could reverse engineer serotonin production by being in a good mood.

Happy thoughts that make you feel good and warm increase serotonin production, which further helps improve your overall mood.

Think happy thoughts

To feel good and produce serotonin:

· Reflect and think about things you are grateful for.

· Look at pictures of your loved ones, pets, friends, or anything else that makes you feel happy.

· Think about the good memories that make you feel like you have never been happier.

Improving your mood with happy thoughts is easier said than done. However, if you practice, you may be able to at least partially influence your mood over time.


It’s a digital era and I’m going to take names of some things that have almost vanished from our society, hope you still remember them. Books, magazines, and newspapers, OH! Do you still remember those?

What our new generation considers old fashioned are the most beneficial, healthy, and interesting time killing things. Unlike the numerous health side effects (especially eyes) of mobile and laptop, books and magazines are so much healthier for your brain. Your ability to imagine a whole picture in your mind with just the words of the author opens up your mind.

Getting so many perks in just trying to kill time. I don’t think you can get that much in any other activity.


For cheese lovers, pasta is the perfect dish to satisfy their cheese cravings. If you love cheese, you can grate fresh or frozen cheese on top of pasta as much as you like and heat it to melt the cheese. You can also use cheese sauce for a creamy and yummy blend.


Talk to People

Talking to people is another great way to deal with grief. A lot of times, we feel sad just because we weren't able to vent to someone and get the closure we need. Getting things off your chest is highly underrated, and it could do wonders for your mood and really just change the way you were approaching the loss. If the person is someone who is facing the same grief, it's even better. It gives you a chance to think out loud and maybe get some help, or offer help, to the person listening.

Increase fatty foods intake

Eating fats ignites the body’s inner heat chamber. The body needs energy for digestion, which in turns helps keep us warm. Fats take their own sweet time to metabolize, so your body will keep warm for longer. So, if you’re feeling cold - have a pack of peanuts or a healthy dose of almonds and cashews.

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