Trying to make it through an unbearable breakfast with your in-laws? Grab a blend of orange and pineapple juice and throw in some tequila. You’ll pull it through just fine, or you might just end up having a lot of fun.
Facing society alone when coming out might be overwhelming. If you are hesitant to do it alone, have a support system by your side. You can request a friend or your partner to accompany you. Moreover, you can get help from a counselor before coming out.
Having a strong support system helps you come out easily. You can plan everything and then do it when the time is right. A support system such as a counselor might also help you to cope with the aftermath.
This may sound like a random way of trying to make yourself better, but it really is crazy how much different you can feel after taking care of your hygiene. Getting out of your dirty clothes and taking a shower can be cathartic. Think of it as a way of taking off the sadness and leaving it somewhere else. Your problems can seem much more manageable after some time to yourself and some clean underwear.
You can either binge-watch YouTube videos or learn something useful on your phone. If you have got a pair of hand-frees, your phone and some free time, watch and learn something useful. Think of something you are not good at such as cleaning utensils, fixing a plug, or chopping vegetables. Even if you are in public, waiting at the dentist’s, or traveling, you can learn important life skills on the way.
Distract yourself from the worries when you are trying to sleep. A mental exercise helps your brain focus away from your worries. It can be as simple as thinking of cities that start with ‘A.’ You can also focus on a particular object such as its color, shape, size, etc. Or you can recite lyrics from a favorite song.