Topics tagged sleep

image for topic 'Stay awake'
Best Ways to

Stay awake

Last answer by Russell Holland 5 months ago:
We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t even begin to count the amount ...
We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t ...
Answers: 13
image for topic 'Wake up in the morning'
Best Ways to

Wake up in the morning

Last answer by Martha Fisher 2 months ago:
Begin your day with some good old sunshine to set yourself up for an excellent day. Soak in the sun’s wholesome ...
Begin your day with some good old sunshine to set yourself up for an excellent day. ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Fall asleep'
Best Ways to

Fall asleep

Last answer by Rita Warren 3 weeks ago:
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes your body and calms your ...
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Wind down before bed'
Best Ways to

Wind down before bed

Last answer by Russell Cunningham 3 weeks ago:
Distract yourself from the worries when you are trying to sleep. A mental exercise helps your brain focus away ...
Distract yourself from the worries when you are trying to sleep. A mental exercise ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Sleep better'
Best Ways to

Sleep better

Last answer by Regina Harding 4 months ago:
Many sleep problems that we suffer from have to do with our environment. If your room lets in too much light, especially ...
Many sleep problems that we suffer from have to do with our environment. If your ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Become a morning person'
Best Ways to

Become a morning person

Last answer by Tyler Rodriquez 10 months ago:
There's no way around it, the best and most surefire way to become a morning person is to go to bed earlier. Make ...
There's no way around it, the best and most surefire way to become a morning person ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Fall back asleep'
Best Ways to

Fall back asleep

Last answer by Vaughn Huffman 2 months ago:
You can do the classic ‘counting sheep’ or ‘back counting’ technique. Any kind of boring task occupies your mind ...
You can do the classic ‘counting sheep’ or ‘back counting’ technique. Any kind of ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Lucid dream'
Best Ways to

Lucid dream

Last answer by Marshall Wright 1 week ago:
A Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) happens when you directly enter a dream from waking life. In this, your mind ...
A Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) happens when you directly enter a dream from ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Put a baby to sleep'
Best Ways to

Put a baby to sleep

Last answer by Clarence Black 6 hours ago:
Putting your babies to sleep can be a challenge, especially during your bedtime. Their little bodies are filled ...
Putting your babies to sleep can be a challenge, especially during your bedtime. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Stop snoring'
Best Ways to

Stop snoring

Last answer by Carlos Ball 2 weeks ago:
Sometimes snoring can be caused by something as simple as sleep posture. If you usually sleep on your back, try ...
Sometimes snoring can be caused by something as simple as sleep posture. If you usually ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Darken a room'
Best Ways to

Darken a room

Last answer by Cornelia Reed 1 year ago:
While natural light can be a great addition to any space, it can also be a huge pain when trying to darken a room. ...
While natural light can be a great addition to any space, it can also be a huge pain ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Say goodnight to your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Say goodnight to your girlfriend

Last answer by Alex Bush 1 year ago:
My girlfriend uses Instagram and TikTok before sleeping and I surprise her every night with a sweet good night ...
My girlfriend uses Instagram and TikTok before sleeping and I surprise her every ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Reset sleep schedule'
Best Ways to

Reset sleep schedule

Last answer by Raphael Grant 1 month ago:
If your sleep cycle is already messed up, it’s best to avoid power naps during the day. Any napping during the ...
If your sleep cycle is already messed up, it’s best to avoid power naps during the ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Track sleep'
Best Ways to

Track sleep

Last answer by Niki Giovanis 5 months ago:
One of the most effective ways to track your sleep is to use your sleep tracking app that is on your phone. If ...
One of the most effective ways to track your sleep is to use your sleep tracking ...
Answers: 3

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