Best Ways to Drink tequila


Tequila Sunrise Mimosa

Trying to make it through an unbearable breakfast with your in-laws? Grab a blend of orange and pineapple juice and throw in some tequila. You’ll pull it through just fine, or you might just end up having a lot of fun.

Tequila Sunrise Mimosa

Written by Russell Cunningham
5 months ago

Take the shot

This is how many Mexicans drink tequila. Neat and un-chilled. Take room temperature tequila in a shot glass. Toast. And pour it down your gullet. You can also have tequila with salt and lime. Lick the skin between your index finger and thumb. Shake a little bit of salt on your skin. Take a lime wedge and tequila shot in your hand. Lick the salt, shoot the tequila in one gulp and suck on the lime.

Take the shot

Written by Ernesto Sawyer
3 years ago

Enjoy tequila with sangria

Sangria means "little blood" in Spanish. It is non-alcoholic. Pair sangria with sipping tequila in a different shot glass. Take turns sipping tequila and sangria. To make a mix, follow these steps:

-       1 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice

-       1 cup tomato juice

-       1 tsp grenadine

-       12 dashes hot sauce

Enjoy tequila with sangria

Written by Orville Hendricks
1 year ago

Ginger Beergarita

If the name rings a bell, you’re probably thinking of a margarita with Corona in it. These are generally served at ratchet Mexican restaurants, but that’s NOT Ginger Beergarita. What we’re speaking of is a heavenly blend of lime on the rocks, tequila, and ginger – the most satisfying cocktail in all the worlds.

Written by Carolyn Wheeler
5 months ago

Follow the sipping protocol

If you enjoy sipping tequila the right way, then here are some tips on how to drink tequila.

-       Pour one ounce of tequila into a tequila glass.

-       Hold the glass at the stem and raise the glass to eye level and look at the color of tequila.

-       Swirl tequila gently and see how it clings on the walls of the glass.

-       Take a small sip and swish the tequila around in your mouth for 10 seconds.

-       Swallow and repeat!

Written by Aaron Holman
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Drink Tequila?

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