Best Ways to Aerate lawn


Use a Slicing Aerator

To grow thick and long grass in your lawn, aerating the lawn is crucial for the health of soil and grass. A good aerating machine plugs soil to create holes in the soil that make it easier for nutrients, water, and sunlight to seep deeper into the ground. Compact soil can inhibit the flow of nutrients, air, and water to the grassroots; therefore, aeration is done.

 A slicing aerator has rotating blades that cut or slice the ground. They poke small holes in the ground that make a passage for the air and water. 

Use a Slicing Aerator

Written by Orville Maxwell
10 months ago

Get a Professional Core or Plug Aerator

The best aerator for lawn is the core or plug aerator because it plugs out the soil when making a hole. These aerators are preferred by professional horticulturists because they minimize the chances of the soil becoming compact again if the soil falls back into its place.

It pulls out 2 or 3 inches long and half an inch-thick tubes of soil creating a small hole in the ground. The air can easily move to the roots of the grass to aid growth.

Get a Professional Core or Plug Aerator

Written by Shelia Harrell
2 years ago

The Right Time

The right time to aerate the lawn is right before the grass is supposed to reach its maximum height and growth. Aeration can also make the grass lush green. Early fall or early spring are the best times to aerate the lawn so that in mid-season the grass can reach its full potential.

Dead and dormant lawns should not be aerated. To revive dead and dormant grass, check what is missing. The grass might need more water, fertilizer or weeds could be the reason.

Aeration is used to oxidize the soil so that the grassroots don’t struggle for air and water especially in rainy and hot seasons.

Written by Debra Bridges
3 months ago

Poke Holes

It is easier to poke holes in the ground with a small tool such as a screwdriver if you have a small lawn. But you would have to invest in a lawn aerator if the lawn is large and poking small holes is going to take a long-time.

Get a spike lawn aerator that has small spikes to poke holes in the ground. Or you can also buy sandals that have spikes on their sole to poke the ground. You can simply take a walk on your lawn and poke holes for aeration.

Poke Holes

Written by Boyd Harris
10 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Aerate Lawn?

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