Topics tagged illness

image for topic 'Not throw up'
Best Ways to

Not throw up

Last answer by Ernesto Charles 2 weeks ago:
Sometimes the feeling of throwing up is only in the mind. Shift your focus to something else. Distract yourself ...
Sometimes the feeling of throwing up is only in the mind. Shift your focus to something ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Recuperate from flu'
Best Ways to

Recuperate from flu

Last answer by Alexis Dorsey 2 weeks ago:
When you get sick with the flu, you are likely to experience a variety of symptoms, including a fever. When you ...
When you get sick with the flu, you are likely to experience a variety of symptoms, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Recuperate from pneumonia'
Best Ways to

Recuperate from pneumonia

Last answer by Eugene Shaw 5 months ago:
Although it may not feel very comfortable, coughing actually aids the healing process. Coughing is your body’s ...
Although it may not feel very comfortable, coughing actually aids the healing process. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Prevent aspiration pneumonia'
Best Ways to

Prevent aspiration pneumonia

Last answer by Dan Taylor 8 months ago:
Aspiration pneumonia is a chronic breathing disorder that is particularly common among older people. It usually ...
Aspiration pneumonia is a chronic breathing disorder that is particularly common ...
Answers: 1

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