Dry air is no friend of the flu and can worsen your symptoms. Using a humidifier or vaporizer to increase moisture in the air can provide relief from congestion. There are plenty of options in the market to choose from. For example, you could bring home a steam vaporizer or a cool-mist humidifier. They are easily available online or at the local pharmacy.
When you get sick with the flu, you are likely to experience a variety of symptoms, including a fever. When you have a fever, your body sweats and can get dehydrated very easily. To avoid feeling even worse due to dehydration, make sure you are drinking plenty of liquids to keep your body hydrated. Water should be your number one source of hydration. You can also incorporate hot tea. Avoid caffeine which can further dehydrate you.
When you’re recovering from any disease, it’s important to let your body rest and recover. Put your daily routine to the side for now and focus on getting healthier and stronger. Without rest, your body will just be more vulnerable to getting sick again. Staying home doesn’t mean you have to do errands or use the time to get ahead of household chores. Take some time off and let yourself truly rest. The to-do list will still be there when you have recovered.
Sleep is a natural medication mechanism for your body. While fighting the flu, it’s critical that you allow yourself to rest properly and get enough sleep. The more you sleep, the better.
Feel free to nap even during day time if you feel like it. Resting and sleeping will also reduce the risk of further flu-related complications like pneumonia.