Best Ways to Train a puppy


When to Start Training

When a puppy is 7 weeks old, the puppy is ready to start socializing and communicate with the outer world. Introduce the puppy to the other family members. This will help the puppy form good and happy memories which will shape the dog’s habits in the future.

When to Start Training

When the puppy is 16 weeks old, he should know he should sit, eat, or walk when you ask him to do it. The puppy training can begin as early as 6 weeks of age. The traditional dog training, however, begins when the dog is 6 months old. Most dogs start growing into adults at 10-18 months of age. It is considered the best time to train dogs as they are mature and sexually active.

Written by Samantha Mccarthy
1 year ago

Limiting Distractions

It is easier for the puppy to get distracted when they are playing. Put away their toys, and hide anything they might start playing with such as an empty box or a ball. Training without any distractions will help the puppy stay attentive and learn quickly.

Treat them well, when they follow your commands. A gentle pat on the back, a treat, or words like “Good boy” can motivate the puppy.

Limiting Distractions

Written by Jeremy Colon
1 year ago

Help the Puppy Get Over Fear

When the puppy is 14-16 weeks old, the puppy might get scared of new people, new places, and circumstances. The signs are, the puppy may refuse food or treats, urinate, or crouch down. Positive memories of childhood are important for every dog to grow up strong and fearless. Do not let the dog get scared, show physical affection, and don’t push or overwhelm them. In this particular developing stage, you should be supportive and don’t encourage fear.

Puppies that stay alone for longer often develop anxiety, make sure to have fun with the puppy once in a while and let it roam around you to stay happy. They also get surprised and scared of noises such as a balloon explosion while the puppy is playing with the balloon. 

Help the Puppy Get Over Fear

Written by Anna Hansen
2 months ago

Offer a Treat

Puppy training works best when you have a treat for your puppy. Puppies are playful and they might not listen to you when they are having fun, but when it’s mealtime, they are ready to take orders.

Offer a Treat

Command your puppy to sit, stand, lie-down, or stay down. Give the puppy a treat when he obeys you. You might have to lower their body to tell them this is the sit or lie down position. Approximately 15-minute sessions every day are good for training the puppy. It is advisable to regularly train the puppy but do not train them all the time, as it may feel annoying to your puppy. 

Written by Elsie Sellers
3 months ago

Train them in Every Room of the House and Outside

Training the puppy in the kitchen every day will feel like a kitchen exercise routine to the puppy. If you are training the puppy to take commands everywhere, you have to train it everywhere. Do training sessions in every room of your house, in the lawn and when you go to a park.

Written by Ernesto Soto
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Train a Puppy?

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