Topics tagged languages

image for topic 'Learn Spanish'
Best Ways to

Learn Spanish

Last answer by Alexander Cobb 3 weeks ago:
Try Duo Lingo app or any other similar app that teaches a language. It is a great way of learning a language from ...
Try Duo Lingo app or any other similar app that teaches a language. It is a great ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Learn a language'
Best Ways to

Learn a language

Last answer by Cary Crawford 5 months ago:
After setting those goals for yourself, start using the knowledge that you're slowly starting to gain every single ...
After setting those goals for yourself, start using the knowledge that you're slowly ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Learn Japanese'
Best Ways to

Learn Japanese

Last answer by Wallace Mckinney 8 months ago:
Nowadays, you don't have to sign up for a college course or even really leave your house to learn a new language. ...
Nowadays, you don't have to sign up for a college course or even really leave your ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn Swedish'
Best Ways to

Learn Swedish

Last answer by Fred Neal 9 months ago:
Duolingo is one of the best platforms on the internet to learn a language completely free of cost. Just sign up ...
Duolingo is one of the best platforms on the internet to learn a language completely ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn russian'
Best Ways to

Learn russian

Last answer by Brittany Cunningham 1 year ago:
Like we have the English alphabets, the Russians use Cyrillic alphabets. A lot of those alphabets are similar to ...
Like we have the English alphabets, the Russians use Cyrillic alphabets. A lot of ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn ancient greek'
Best Ways to

Learn ancient greek

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 2 years ago:
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher who is well-versed in the ...
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn etymology'
Best Ways to

Learn etymology

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image for topic 'Learn puerto rican spanish'
Best Ways to

Learn puerto rican spanish

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Learn Puerto Rican Spanish please add it!
image for topic 'Learn egyptian hieroglyphs'
Best Ways to

Learn egyptian hieroglyphs

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Learn Egyptian Hieroglyphs please add it!

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