Best Ways to Organize kitchen cabinets


Organize by Zones

Organizing by zones means that you try to group all similar items and those closest to the area you will use them. If you're starting to organize yourself this way, it may mean moving some of your kitchen storage from the cabinets you currently use. Depending on your kitchen layout and closet storage options, you may need to make a few exceptions, but this is generally the most functional way to organize the space.

Written by Luther Mitchell
2 months ago

Categorize Your Kitchen Items

Now is the time to organize the contents of the kitchen cabinets you are storing. The goal is to classify items in a way that makes sense for the way your home uses the kitchen. Don't worry too much about appearance; Function is more important for a kitchen cabinet.

Most people prefer to separate food from kitchen utensils/tableware in their kitchen cabinets. So you can immediately divide your articles into these two groups. Then subdivide the groups from there.

Written by Thelma Poole
2 years ago

Get a few Lazy Susan

If your spice cabinet is always messy and you find it hard to handle so many bottles and jars, get a few lazy Susans to get organized. 

Lazy susans are a must for small kitchen cabinets, where storing too many cans and jars can be chaotic. 

Written by Betsy Carpenter
2 months ago

Use Transparent Containers with Labels

When you are looking for oats in your cabinets, you don’t want to open every single box to see if oats are in there. The best strategy for organizing oats, pulses, barley, and other foods is to use clear, air-tight, and easy to open containers. 

You can write what’s inside them with a permanent marker and make looking for what you need much easier. Even when you use the box for storing something else, use a little nail polish remover to clean what’s written. Make sure to use easy to clean, food-rage quality, and long-lasting containers because they will probably be staying with you for a few years.

Written by Stewart Nichols
11 months ago

Declutter the Cabinets Often

Decluttering the cabinets often is necessary to keep the cabinets clean and organized. No matter how hard you try to keep everything in its place, you will end up cluttering the cabinets in a few weeks.

To avoid a full day of deep cleaning and organizing the kitchen cabinets, organize them as soon as you feel the cabinet is cluttered.Declutter the Cabinets Often

Written by Jo Banks
8 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Organize Kitchen Cabinets?

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