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Brittany Cunningham

Keep it going - Don’t stop

You need to keep moving, not just in terms of pace but in terms of developing your speech style. Make sure that every piece of information you share with the audience is built on the previous text. Moreover, the information you share must allow the audience to anticipate. A human brain longs for suspense, drama, and action. This holds true for the content you produce as well. Your audience is content-driven, result-oriented, and time-pressed.

Be mindful of your audience’s insatiable desire and vary your content to make winning presentations. Make sure things are always moving forward. 

Something that speaks to your target audience

Use a business name that means something to you and conveys meaning to your target audience. The name should be able to help people get an idea of what you’re selling or what you stand for. Either that or go for a name that’s super catchy. Meaningless names like Yahoo, Google have gained such popularity because of their catchiness. And most importantly, get feedback on the name. Ask your friends what they think and to be honest about it. 

Build a card engine

Make sure you have an engine for producing cards. Cards are the currency for a lot of things you want to attain in this game. You typically do not want to repeatedly select the phase Explore late in the game just to get currency for other phases (or even for coming rounds).

Either you can build a card engine via modifiers on developments or worlds ... or you can make sure you regularly produce goods which you can trade.

Keep unhealthy foods out of reach

If you’re sitting in a home with a refrigerator full of junk, you’re going to want to eat it. If not today, then tomorrow, or the day after.

Instead, trash all of those things and stock up on healthy foods. You don’t have to starve yourself, just eating healthy and right foods will go a long way in your weight loss process.

Keep unhealthy foods out of reach


Turmeric is a spice that has several health benefits. Consuming a small amount of turmeric for a few days to a week can prepone periods. The best way to eat turmeric for an early period is to eat it raw or boil it in milk. Take half a glass of milk and let it boil on medium heat. Add a leveled teaspoon of ground turmeric and wait for a minute. Remove from heat and let it cool a bit. Drink it when it's warm.

You can also eat a teaspoon of raw powdered turmeric with glass water just like you would eat a medicine. Consume a teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening until you get your period.

Start Off by Learning Cyrillic

Like we have the English alphabets, the Russians use Cyrillic alphabets. A lot of those alphabets are similar to English, but there are others that are significantly different. They will require some extra effort, so it's always a good idea to start off by learning Cyrillic first and then moving on to Russian. It will provide a lot of the necessary knowledge you need to learn Russian.

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