Best Ways to Fade acne scars



At-home exfoliation can reduce all kinds of skin problems. For minor acne scars, use an exfoliating face scrub to gently peel away the top layer of skin. Use an exfoliating face wash twice or thrice a week for quick results. Exfoliation also deep cleans your skin and makes it appear brighter. Don't forget to moisturize afterwards!

Written by Michelle Moran
1 year ago

Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E has antioxidants that repair the skin. Puncture a Vitamin E capsule and take its gel to apply it to your scar. Do this every day for a week. Vitamin E also helps with under-eye bags. 

Written by Douglas Johnson
1 year ago

Baking soda

Baking soda acts as a mild exfoliator for your skin. Take 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with water. Apply this paste to your scar and let it dry. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat it daily till you see results. 

Written by Ernesto Charles
8 months ago

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great source of Vitamin E and has fatty acids. This helps in reducing acne scars from your face. Rub coconut oil on your hands to make it warm. Now apply this oil to your face and massage it for at least 10 minutes. Leave the oil for an hour and then rinse it with warm water. You can see the results in a few weeks.

Written by Travis Sullivan
3 months ago

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be done in-office by a dermatologist only. The professional inserts some liquid inside your skin that forces the topmost layer of your skin to start coming off. The skin may take 3-7 days to come off completely. The procedure can be expensive but it is very effective when it comes to fading acne scars and reducing pigmentation.

If you have deep scars, talk to your physician or dermatologist if you can go for a chemical peel again in a few months to strip off another layer of your skin. 

Chemical Peels

Written by Melody Banks
9 months ago

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that make it perfect for acne scar treatment. Mix one tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply it on your face and rinse it off after 10 to 15 minutes. Use it every day and the scar will start fading eventually.

Aloe Vera

Written by Summer Spencer
7 months ago


Turmeric has major healing properties and can be used to clot blood and heal any injury. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply this paste to the scars and let it dry. Wet your fingers and massage the area for a minute. Wash it off and repeat this 2-3 times a week. You will see results soon.


Written by Cara Bradford
3 weeks ago


Honey has healing and antibiotic properties that clear your skin and make it glow. Apply honey directly on the scar and cover it with a bandage. Leave this overnight and then wash your face with warm water the next day. Repeat this every day before going to bed.

Written by Doug Lindsey
1 month ago

Vitamin C Serums

Night serums seep into the layers of your skin during the night. The serum helps brighten the skin, reduce redness, and fade away scars. Vitamin C is well-known for its amazing skincare properties. Using a Vitamin C skincare serum at night can rejuvenate and brighten the skin. It also helps clears away the scars and avoid skin darkening.

Vitamin C Serums

Written by Carolina Sanders
5 months ago

AHAs and BHAs

Gentle exfoliators like AHAs and BHAs are good for your skin. AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acids and BHA stands for beta hydroxy acids. These are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory exfoliators that rejuvenate your skin without damaging it. Many products offer this ingredient in their exfoliator, so read the ingredients at the back before buying a new exfoliator and try to use it regularly in your skincare routine.

Written by Nina Chavez
3 weeks ago


Lemon has natural bleach properties which lighten the scar on your skin. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with vitamin E oil and apply it to your scar before going to bed. Rinse it off the next morning and repeat it every day.


Written by Enrique Barnes
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Fade Acne Scars?

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