Learning a language on your own can be overwhelming and rewarding all at the same time. The best way to take this huge task on is by setting small, reasonable goals for yourself each week. By setting these goals, you are keeping yourself accountable to learning the language. These goals may be things like learning vocabulary words relating to specific subjects, such as animals or things to do on the weekends. Use a numerical goal to make sure you're getting these done. For example, try learning 25 words each week.
All languages are made up of a huge number of words. Just to give you an idea, English is made up of 600,000 to 1 million words.
This news might have demotivated you but here is the real deal: the top 100 words make up about 50% of that language and the top 1000 make up to 90%!
By learning these top 1000 words of any language you can save a lot of time and increase the understandable amount of information very quickly.
After setting those goals for yourself, start using the knowledge that you're slowly starting to gain every single day. Yes, every day! While it may be hard to think about using the language every day when you're just starting out, the goals you have set will help you build a vocabulary that you can use every day. Start by learning common words that you can use in your daily life.