Best Ways to Prospect for insurance clients


Build Following on Instagram

Instagram is not for getting your selfies liked by a bunch of strangers only. If you have a following or you can get the people to follow you, use it as a prospecting tool. Instagram is free and millions of people use it every day. Once you are done setting up an Instagram account, the next step is getting to your clients. Find and add people who share an interest in investing, and buying. The people who buy new houses, cars or property are the ones you need to get in touch with.

Post pictures with your clients (if they are comfortable) and describe yourself in the bio. Upload short videos of yourself talking about the tips for insurance and educate people. This will increase your chances of getting noticed and making more sales.

Written by Tracy Newman
4 months ago


If you go to a networking event that is about insurance, you will probably see a lot of insurance agents trying to sell policies. If you want to avoid the competition white networking and prospecting, you should pick the networking event carefully. Think of how you are going to pitch with a few sentences. Keep your business cards ready and while others are loading their plates at the networking event how you are going to prospect. Make sure to use creativity and smile when talking to prospects.


Written by Margie Hansen
10 months ago

Linked In

The best platform for interacting with people professionally is Linked In. When you are prospecting for insurance clients, you need a hook or content to grab their attention. Write about what you do and what are do’s and don’ts of insurance. The prospects will perceive you as someone who can help them and reach out to you. This way you might close a million-dollar insurance deal if a High-Net worth individual reads what you post and buys insurance. 

Written by Earl Griffin
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Prospect for Insurance Clients?

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