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Cornelius Cole

Inside a Picture Frame

There are many sneaky places in your house where you can easily hide cash. If you want the cash to be super safe because you don’t want to be using it for a few months, hide it in a picture frame.

Get a pair of pliers and open up the back of a picture frame. Remove the cardboard and on the backside of the picture place newspaper or any other paper and then place the cash bills evenly. Don’t put the whole stack in one place. Lay them flat and put the cardboard back. Press and tighten the locks. As an additional layer of protection, use masking tapes to secure the ends of the cardboard.

Secure the back neatly and hang as normal. No burglar would think about cash hidden inside a picture frame.

Inside a Picture Frame


This Firefox browser plugin also works with many popular video sites, including Facebook. Once you install the extension from the plugins site, a button will be added to your toolbar.

To use it, go to a page with embedded video. You will notice that the NetVideoHunter button will blink and let you know that the video can be downloaded from the page. Click the button and click Download next to the video you want to save.

Keep the Environment Clean

When you go for a trek on the hills or go to a deserted beach always clean up your mess before leaving. If you find any plastic cups, wrappers, or plastic bags lying around, pick them up and simply add them to your trash bag. The trash in such locations that are rarely cleaned can hurt the wildlife or stay there for a long time.

Keep the Environment Clean

You can also join a cleaning community and visit beautiful sites that have been littered to clean up. It can help you stay fit and can be a great recreation if you are looking for a hobby on the weekends.

Keep your hands and feet warm

Even though keeping your core warm is essential to staying toasty during your bike ride, don't forget about your fingers and toes! These are the first parts of your body to feel the cold grip of winter weather. Make sure you're wearing a good set of gloves as well as thick socks. Another great tool to use is pocket hand and toe warmers. They sell them at drugstores and will keep your fingers and toes comfortable during your ride.

Comparable Analysis

If you want to find out what a company is worth, you can compare it with a company of the same size such as its competitor. To do a comparative analysis, look at the P/E ratio, EBIT, and use other valuation methods to compare the company’s financials.

Often companies are not making huge profits but that is not a measure of their success because they are focusing on providing customer value, investing in other projects, and preparing the ground for maximizing shareholder value.

Shut Instagram and Other Social Media Platforms

Saving money is not as easy as it may sound. You cannot save money if you have a habit of buying things online every time you see a flashy advertisement. Through these social media apps, our phone screens are bombarded with hundreds of advertisements every day.

To save money you need to shut out all such apps that won't let you save. Unfollow Instagram accounts of brands you are likely to buy from and avoid such ads and posts or simply lower the amount of time you spend on social media.

Micellar water

Micellar water is an excellent product used for removing makeup, but it can also be used for cleaning your shoes. Grab a clean piece of cloth and pop some micellar water on it. Rub the cloth onto your shoes for a few minutes and that should do the trick. It works well for both, leather and rubber shoes.

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