Best Ways to Whiten shoes


Use a magic eraser

Getting your shoes back to the way they looked fresh out of the box is no easy task. For the harder parts of the shoe (such as the rubber and the soles), it's best to use a magic eraser to clean those pieces off. It's a really easy way to remove any mud, dirt, or black scuffs that your shoe may have on it. It's also a relatively inexpensive fix to get your shoes looking as clean as possible.

Written by Gerardo Frazier
2 years ago

Micellar water

Micellar water is an excellent product used for removing makeup, but it can also be used for cleaning your shoes. Grab a clean piece of cloth and pop some micellar water on it. Rub the cloth onto your shoes for a few minutes and that should do the trick. It works well for both, leather and rubber shoes.

Written by Cornelius Cole
4 years ago


Toothpastes find another use external to the human mouth, way down on the shoes. Find an old toothbrush and add some white-gel toothpaste on it. Sprinkle some water and begin to scrub the dirty areas of your canvas, mesh, or leather shoes. When you’ve reasonably cleaned them, wipe the excess paste off the shoes using a damp cloth. 

Written by Kelly Turner
4 months ago

Brush stains out

Stained shoes can be difficult to clean after the dirt has set in to the fabric. The best way to get stains out of your shoes is by using a toothbrush with stiff bristles. Dip your toothbrush into water and move it in circular motions on the stained part of your shoe. This will help loosen up the stain and hopefully clean it up. You can use this in conjunction with your preferred soap or stain remover.

Written by Lacey Swanson
9 months ago

Wash with baking soda

Mix 1tbsp of baking soda with ½ tbsp of water and ½ tbsp of hydrogen peroxide – this should give you a smooth paste. Grab an old toothbrush and brush the mixture onto the shoe’s surface – apply enough pressure to work the paste in and remove any loose dirt. When you’re done, brush on a 2nd coat with the same paste. Dip and stir the shoelaces in what’s left of the paste. Place your shoes and laces under the sun for a few hours until the paste dries up and begins to crack off. A brighter sun and a hotter weather are helpful to make your shoes whiter and brighter. Brush off the leftover paste and you’ll now have a much cleaner, whiter pair of shoes.

Wash with baking soda

Written by Jo Banks
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Whiten Shoes?

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