Best Ways to Recycle


Replace single-use plastic items

The frequent use of plastic items has harmed our environment in ways we can’t imagine. Yes, single-use plastic items are common and convenient to use. But they have a disturbing impact on the earth’s ecology.

Did you know that a single plastic item takes 1000 years to decompose? That’s the reason why I pledged to get rid of some, if not all single-use plastic items. You can replace them with eco-friendly items.

I use a biodegradable toothbrush (made of bamboo) instead of a plastic toothbrush.

Written by Percy Torres
1 month ago

Separate dry and wet waste

Don’t collect all of your waste together in a bin. Try to change by separating dry and wet waste. If you don’t know how to discriminate, wet waste is fruit peels, vegetable peels, leftover food, eggshells, and tea bags.

On the other hand, dry waste includes glass, metal, wood, and plastic. While wet waste goes into the compost bin, the dry waste usually ends up in landfills. Separating wet and dry waste is important for the ecology and environment of planet earth. So, be a responsible human and always segregate your waste. 

Separate dry and wet waste

Written by Sherri Olson
11 months ago

Re-use plastic water bottles

Plastic water bottles are destroying our oceans. People often dispose of plastic water bottles and they end up in the oceans, harming the environment and marine animals. With a little bit of enthusiasm and creativity, you can make use of these water bottles.

For example, I had cut off the front halves of 5 plastic water bottles and now use them to plant seeds in them. These niffy yet tiny plant holders are easy to make. You can search for the video on YouTube. Moreover, it is a great addition to your room or garden space. Re-use plastic water bottles

Written by Elmer Morrow
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Recycle?

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