Best Ways to Ride a bike in the winter


Keep your hands and feet warm

Even though keeping your core warm is essential to staying toasty during your bike ride, don't forget about your fingers and toes! These are the first parts of your body to feel the cold grip of winter weather. Make sure you're wearing a good set of gloves as well as thick socks. Another great tool to use is pocket hand and toe warmers. They sell them at drugstores and will keep your fingers and toes comfortable during your ride.

Written by Cornelius Cole
1 year ago

Protect your face

During bike rides in colder temperatures, your face can suffer from the wind and the chilly weather. To protect the delicate skin on your face, make sure to apply a thick moisturizer and sunscreen before your ride. Don't forget about the tips of your ears, your nose, and your lips! Take a small bottle of Aquaphor with you to reapply as needed during your ride. It will be a relief to keep chapped skin at bay in the cold.

Written by Jo Banks
10 months ago

Wear light layers

Before hopping onto your bike for your winter ride, you want to make sure you're going to keep your core warm. Wearing light layers of clothing will make it easy for your to take some off once you get warm during your bike ride. It also ensures you keep warm during colder weather. However, be careful that you don't put on too many clothes for your ride. This will impede your ability to ride and become a nuisance. You should still feel the chill when you're first starting your bike ride.

Written by Kay Weber
6 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Ride a Bike In the Winter?

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