The universe is always showing signs, but it is easy to miss it. There is a saying like, “I asked God to give me a cake. But, he gave me flour, milk, oil, and an oven instead.” Don’t be like this. When you start to acknowledge and receive signs from the universe, the universe will give you more of what you want.
According to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are sending out to the universe. To attract more of what you desire, you have to raise your vibration. Vibrations are signals that you are sending to the universe. Ensure that you send positive and happy signals around. Make time to spend at least 10-15 a day to do something that makes you feel good to ensure your vibration stays high.
To manifest something is to co-create it along with the universe. Working towards your goals increases the chances of getting a positive result. Note down three actions that you can do today that will bring you closer to your goal and take those steps. Do this exercise till you have achieved your goal.
Don’t leave anything for chance. Ask the universe what you desire and let it help you in getting closer to it. There are many ways to ask the universe like prayer, meditation, vision boards, and visualization. You can also write a letter to the universe. Ask the universe what you want every day and make your requests clearer and clearer.
You cannot manifest something into reality if you are unsure about what you want. To manifest something, you must know what you wish to have and desire. Get clear about what you want, describe its features in detail. Also, while manifesting anything use only positive attributes and avoid negative words like ‘no’ and ‘don’t.’
If you haven’t yet manifested anything, you are likely resisting the process. Pain, doubt, procrastination, anxiety, frustration, and resentments are all forms of resistance. And they are completely normal as well. But, if you really want to manifest, then you have to clear your resistance, trust the process, and work towards your goal.
As you work towards your goal, you may feel like your manifestation is not working. It is easy to get frustrated and give up on it. But, struggling and wondering when things are going to happen is not trusting the process. When you question your method, you are telling the universe that it does not work. And you get what you give. So, trust the process and work towards it.
Whenever you find yourself doubting, say this affirmation in your mind or aloud, “I am getting closer and closer to my goals every day. The universe has my back and it is awesome.”
Repeat this mantra till you believe it.