The more people utilize the senses (touch, smell, taste, sight and hear), the better you engage with them. To build interest among your audience, you can show images of neglected animals, give them something to eat, play sad music and even give them a cuddle toy during your speech.
For a winning presentation, you have to combine the effects and do your best. To increase involvement, you can also ask questions and grab their attention. The only thing to be mindful of is to stay true and relevant to your topic.
Speak to your bully in an assertive tone without any emotion. It will communicate to the bully that you don’t intend to be victimized. The tone does not ask for an apology, neither does it challenge the bully. Challenging the bully only feeds their need for attention and the sense of power that they seek.
Buying a wardrobe-full of clothing with changing trends accumulates tons of items in landfills when discarded quickly after use. This increases methane production on account of decomposition. As of today, an annual 80 pound of clothing is discarded by an average American, of which as much as 85 percent finds its way into landfills.
Also, guess where this cheap clothing comes from? China! Shipping these cheap clothes also requires fossil fuels, which makes matters even worse. So, stick to quality clothing that lasts longer.
Depending on your friends and family for support at this time is the most important to keep you going. We are fortunate enough to call them or text them anytime we want.
For the first time in my life, I asked my best friend to run to the store and get me groceries. As much as it's good to be independent, we should learn to ask for help. Communicating with your loved ones helps you to manage your chores easily. Asking my best friend helped me realized that we all are in this together.
It might look thrifty at first to get a seven years or longer car but do you know how dangerous it can be. The seven-year loans may charge a higher interest rate because from the investor’s perspective a long-term loan that they are giving you is riskier. You also pay higher interest in the first few years which means that most of the principal amount remains unpaid for a long time.
Sleep is very important in almost every aspect of your health, including weight. It is proven from studies that people who are unable to get enough sleep are most likely to gain more weight, including belly fat.
According to a study, women who slept for less than 5 hours daily gained more weight than those who slept 7 hours or more every night.
Excessive visceral fat is found to be a reason for the condition known as sleep apnea (breathing function of your body might stop irregularly during the night).