Topics tagged health

image for topic 'Manage stress and anxiety'
Best Ways to

Manage stress and anxiety

Last answer by Amy Johnston 4 days ago:
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is most effective when it becomes ...
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat a buildup of stress and anxiety. It is ...
Answers: 28
image for topic 'Burn fat'
Best Ways to

Burn fat

Last answer by Benny West 2 days ago:
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system and have many mental and ...
Healthy gut bacteria can be good for so many reasons. They improve your immune system ...
Answers: 12
image for topic 'Lower cholesterol'
Best Ways to

Lower cholesterol

Last answer by Jeanne Stephens 2 weeks ago:
Consumption of saturated and trans fats increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known ...
Consumption of saturated and trans fats increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Reduce belly fat'
Best Ways to

Reduce belly fat

Last answer by Gertrude Craig 2 weeks ago:
I’ve seen a lot of people give up eating the minute they notice some belly fat. But that’s not the ideal way to ...
I’ve seen a lot of people give up eating the minute they notice some belly fat. But ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Boost metabolism'
Best Ways to

Boost metabolism

Last answer by Kim Ross 1 month ago:
Having a meal can give your metabolism a boost for a few hours. Eating protein helps to fill you up and keep you ...
Having a meal can give your metabolism a boost for a few hours. Eating protein helps ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Unblock nose'
Best Ways to

Unblock nose

Last answer by Earl Griffin 2 months ago:
A warm compress helps open the nasal passages from the outside. For making a warm compress, dip a towel in warm ...
A warm compress helps open the nasal passages from the outside. For making a warm ...
Answers: 9
image for topic 'Avoid getting sick'
Best Ways to

Avoid getting sick

Last answer by Karen Mason 2 weeks ago:
Smoking can be very dangerous for your health. It weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to infections ...
Smoking can be very dangerous for your health. It weakens your immune system and ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Help a sore throat'
Best Ways to

Help a sore throat

Last answer by Winnie Fisher 2 weeks ago:
Sore throat is possible because of viruses or bacteria. So, if your sore throat does not go away in a day, or if ...
Sore throat is possible because of viruses or bacteria. So, if your sore throat does ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Fall asleep'
Best Ways to

Fall asleep

Last answer by Rita Warren 3 weeks ago:
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes your body and calms your ...
Take a warm bath or shower two hours before your sleeping time. Taking a shower relaxes ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Tone body'
Best Ways to

Tone body

Last answer by Elias Ray 4 months ago:
Walking offers both physical and mental benefits for the body. Also, unlike HIIT, walking will not stress your ...
Walking offers both physical and mental benefits for the body. Also, unlike HIIT, ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Do cardio at home'
Best Ways to

Do cardio at home

Last answer by Harry Cole 5 days ago:
Dancing is one of the most fun forms of cardio you can do at home. Aside from being a great workout, it's also ...
Dancing is one of the most fun forms of cardio you can do at home. Aside from being ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Sleep better'
Best Ways to

Sleep better

Last answer by Regina Harding 4 months ago:
Many sleep problems that we suffer from have to do with our environment. If your room lets in too much light, especially ...
Many sleep problems that we suffer from have to do with our environment. If your ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Stop nosebleeds'
Best Ways to

Stop nosebleeds

Last answer by Dennis Burke 2 weeks ago:
Nose bleeds can look scary, but they are not dangerous. So, keep calm and don’t be worried. Lean forward and if ...
Nose bleeds can look scary, but they are not dangerous. So, keep calm and don’t be ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Quit drinking'
Best Ways to

Quit drinking

Last answer by Cameron Chase 2 weeks ago:
Instead of grabbing a beer after a long day at work, consider spending some quality time with your family. If you ...
Instead of grabbing a beer after a long day at work, consider spending some quality ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Ease tension'
Best Ways to

Ease tension

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 4 days ago:
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts that are causing strain ...
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Avoid drugs'
Best Ways to

Avoid drugs

Last answer by Kristi Wiggins 1 month ago:
Regular exercise and consuming a balanced diet are important factors when it comes to the prevention of alcohol ...
Regular exercise and consuming a balanced diet are important factors when it comes ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Quit smoking'
Best Ways to

Quit smoking

Last answer by Harlan Douglas 3 months ago:
One of the worst parts about quitting smoking is the inevitable nicotine withdrawal. Changes in mood such as sadness ...
One of the worst parts about quitting smoking is the inevitable nicotine withdrawal. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Reduce chance of cancer'
Best Ways to

Reduce chance of cancer

Last answer by Clarence Black 4 months ago:
Using tobacco in any form increases the risk of cancer. Smoking tobacco is linked with causing various types of ...
Using tobacco in any form increases the risk of cancer. Smoking tobacco is linked ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Help period cramps'
Best Ways to

Help period cramps

Last answer by Jean Tate 2 weeks ago:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the main form of over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever recommended ...
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the main form of over-the-counter ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hydrate your body'
Best Ways to

Hydrate your body

Last answer by Maxine Allen 2 months ago:
Drinking water can be very boring sometimes so switch to fresh juice. Juice carrots, oranges, apples, or any other ...
Drinking water can be very boring sometimes so switch to fresh juice. Juice carrots, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Gain weight'
Best Ways to

Gain weight

Last answer by Dennis Burke 3 months ago:
If you are underweight, you would want to gain weight and eat more. You might be thinking that eating healthy is ...
If you are underweight, you would want to gain weight and eat more. You might be ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Become fit quickly'
Best Ways to

Become fit quickly

Last answer by Kim Ross 9 months ago:
If you want to get fit quickly, start with a workout routine today. If you feel rusty and haven’t been active lately, ...
If you want to get fit quickly, start with a workout routine today. If you feel rusty ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hydrate'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Cameron Chase 2 weeks ago:
On a hot summer day when you feel thirsty, nothing can be better than a fresh and chilled lemonade. In a glass ...
On a hot summer day when you feel thirsty, nothing can be better than a fresh and ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Build muscle'
Best Ways to

Build muscle

Last answer by Williams Ruiz 1 month ago:
Your body uses food to fuel workouts and regain muscle. Your muscles cannot recover and grow if there is a shortage ...
Your body uses food to fuel workouts and regain muscle. Your muscles cannot recover ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Run faster'
Best Ways to

Run faster

Last answer by Carey Mills 6 months ago:
The footwear companies that design shoes for athletes are making the shoes as lightweight as possible because it ...
The footwear companies that design shoes for athletes are making the shoes as lightweight ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Stop drug addiction'
Best Ways to

Stop drug addiction

Last answer by Joe Barber 4 weeks ago:
When you relapse, you focus on the failure part that you could not do it. This is the biggest mistake because it ...
When you relapse, you focus on the failure part that you could not do it. This is ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Tone legs'
Best Ways to

Tone legs

Last answer by Tracy Boone 2 months ago:
You will need a medium size resistance band for this workout. Get on all four and put on a resistance band on your ...
You will need a medium size resistance band for this workout. Get on all four and ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Do cardio'
Best Ways to

Do cardio

Last answer by Jeremy Colon 1 month ago:
Numerous cardio exercises can help you start losing calories within minutes but it is important to make a schedule ...
Numerous cardio exercises can help you start losing calories within minutes but it ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Sit with lower back pain'
Best Ways to

Sit with lower back pain

Last answer by Tony Perry 2 months ago:
Your lower body posture is completely dictated by your knee angle. The knee angle is important so make sure to ...
Your lower body posture is completely dictated by your knee angle. The knee angle ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Boost testosterone'
Best Ways to

Boost testosterone

Last answer by Warren Austin 1 month ago:
Onion and garlic are your allies in the kitchen and in the bedroom. They help you produce more and better sperm. ...
Onion and garlic are your allies in the kitchen and in the bedroom. They help you ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Help a bulimic'
Best Ways to

Help a bulimic

Last answer by Cara Bradford 2 months ago:
If the person suffering from bulimia is too stressed and their health is deteriorating, help them find support. ...
If the person suffering from bulimia is too stressed and their health is deteriorating, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Get a six pack'
Best Ways to

Get a six pack

Last answer by Miguel Roberson 7 months ago:
The only way to get a six pack is through hard work. You will need to exercise your abs enough that they protrude ...
The only way to get a six pack is through hard work. You will need to exercise your ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Stay strong when getting old'
Best Ways to

Stay strong when getting old

Last answer by Brian Phillips 1 year ago:
After your 40s, your aging body loses around 8% of muscle mass per decade. To keep your body strong and healthy, ...
After your 40s, your aging body loses around 8% of muscle mass per decade. To keep ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Help constipation'
Best Ways to

Help constipation

Last answer by Mack Boyd 2 months ago:
Stretching can help your body to relieve itself, by relaxing your muscles and sort of "readjusting". Here are some ...
Stretching can help your body to relieve itself, by relaxing your muscles and sort ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Debloat'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Angelica Garcia 4 months ago:
Surya namaskar is a yoga routine that is best effective when done at sunrise. Here’s the flow: Tadasana (Mountain ...
Surya namaskar is a yoga routine that is best effective when done at sunrise. Here’s ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Fat burn on treadmill'
Best Ways to

Fat burn on treadmill

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 3 weeks ago:
Running or walking at the same speed for 40 minutes or an hour does not burn the same amount of fat that you can ...
Running or walking at the same speed for 40 minutes or an hour does not burn the ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Recover from bulimia'
Best Ways to

Recover from bulimia

Last answer by Wilbur Chandler 1 month ago:
Many people diagnosed with bulimia experience triggers such as binging, purging, vomiting, and exercising extensively. ...
Many people diagnosed with bulimia experience triggers such as binging, purging, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Be healthy'
Best Ways to

Be healthy

Last answer by Arthur Harper 4 months ago:
Whole foods have all the nutrients you need for a healthy body. But many people like me have allergies to whole ...
Whole foods have all the nutrients you need for a healthy body. But many people like ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Sit with sciatica'
Best Ways to

Sit with sciatica

Last answer by Vicente Donaldson 1 week ago:
Sitting with sciatica can be painful because sciatica usually springs from sitting too much. When sitting at home, ...
Sitting with sciatica can be painful because sciatica usually springs from sitting ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Decompress'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Jodi Stark 3 weeks ago:
If there’s one way to unplug and rejuvenate yourself right from the comfort of your bedroom – it’s meditation. Put ...
If there’s one way to unplug and rejuvenate yourself right from the comfort of your ...
Answers: 3
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