Best Ways to Reduce belly fat


Disassociate with sugar

It’s no surprise that sugars and sugary beverages can make you balloon up. But not a lot of people know that it also becomes a drag on your metabolic health. A number of studies have suggested that fructose (sugar is half glucose, half fructose) contributes to a build-up of fat around your liver and abdomen. An overload of fructose in the liver causes it to turn into fat.

It’s recommended that you banish sugary beverages entirely since the brain doesn’t register liquid calories the same way as solid calories, and you’re likely to consume excess calories. So consider reducing, or even eliminating sugar from your diet to hasten the process of shedding a few pounds of belly fat. 

Disassociate with sugar

Written by Nancy Barton
1 year ago

Eat More Fiber

Foods high in refined carbohydrates and sugar don't really control hunger, so you end up looking for more. Instead, eat more fibrous foods like whole-grain bread, oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, and chia seeds. They fill you up as fiber helps slow digestion.

Written by Jo Banks
10 months ago

Reduce alcohol intake

Avoid too much alcohol. They cause storage of excessive fat around the waist area as well as the belly. This will also mess up your waistline. You might want to quit drinking alcohol on the regular if you’re actively trying to reduce belly fat. I understand that complete abstention can be difficult at first. You can start with moderation and lowering the intake slowly. 

Written by Leigh Franklin
1 year ago

replace some of your cooking fats with coconut oil

replace some of your cooking fats with coconut oil

Coconut Oil is one of the healthiest consumable fats. Studies show that elements present in coconut oil boost metabolism and decrease your fat storage due to high-calorie intake.

In a study, men who used coconut oil daily for 12 weeks lost an average of 1.1 inches from the waist without making any changes to their diet or exercise routine. Coconut oil is high in calories, replace some fats you are already eating in your diet with coconut oil, and enjoy the results.

Written by Deanna Fox
1 year ago

Avoid trans fat foods

Not all fat is bad. So you won’t have to cut back on all of them. Avoid eating trans fat or unsaturated fat. If you use soybean oil to cook your food, you might want to reconsider as they contain a good significant amount of trans fat. Besides abdominal fat gain, these fats are also associated with heart disease, inflammation, and more. 

Written by Jeffrey Bush
2 months ago

Perform strength training

Perform strength training

Strength training, also known as resistance training or weight lifting, is very important for gaining muscle mass.

A study involving overweighed teenagers shows that a combination of weight lifting and aerobic exercise resulted in a great decrease in abdominal fat.

One other study involving people with prediabetes and fatty liver disease showed that strength training can be very beneficial for decreasing belly fat.

Strength training can be an important weight loss strategy and may help burn belly fat. 

Written by Constance White
2 years ago

Drink Lesss Alcohol

To lose weight, you simply have to consume fewer calories, but that can be difficult when the feeling of hunger begins to appear. A good plan of attack? Get rid of empty calories that don't serve your goals so you can make more room for foods that do. This includes all sugary drinks, like sodas, but alcohol is very important.

Written by Laurel Wade
4 months ago

Get proper sleep

Sleep is very important in almost every aspect of your health, including weight. It is proven from studies that people who are unable to get enough sleep are most likely to gain more weight, including belly fat.

Get proper sleep

According to a study, women who slept for less than 5 hours daily gained more weight than those who slept 7 hours or more every night.

Excessive visceral fat is found to be a reason for the condition known as sleep apnea (breathing function of your body might stop irregularly during the night).

Written by Grace Murphy
2 months ago

Alway include fiber in your diet

I’ve seen a lot of people give up eating the minute they notice some belly fat. But that’s not the ideal way to approach the issue. Include healthy food in your diet and you will start to notice changes pretty soon. You should eat plenty of soluble fibre on a daily basis. They absorb water and gel that slows down food as they pass through your system. This helps break down food better and keep you from getting fat. 

Written by Gertrude Craig
6 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Reduce Belly Fat?

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